Patriot Fist

Patriot Fist
(Recusant-Class Light Destroyer)
Type: Space Vehicle
Category: Cruiser

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1

Capital Ship Upgrade: Empty

Starfighter Hangar:

  • Meteor Squadron
  • Vulture-class Droid Starfighter Squadron

Auxiliary Hangar:

  • TIE Boarding Craft Flight


Owned by: Clan Plagueis

Prototype: Recusant-Class Light Destroyer

Slotted in: First Mobile Fleet

Wiki links: Bloodsport, Calm Sea (Action VI transport), Nebula Strider (Action VI transport), Pacifica (Action VI transport), Wrath (Acclamator-class), and Template:PlagueisFleet

The Recusant-Class Light Destroyer is a 1187-meter-long Cruiser designed as a command and support ship. Often operating in large numbers, four to six Recusant-class starships could outgun smaller Star Destroyers. The Recusant-Class is controlled by a droid brain, but that droid brain suffers from poor reaction time and gained a reputation for colliding with friendly ships. Hyperdrive capable, it has average speed and poor maneuverability, with average shielding and armor. It found use among the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars.

1 prow mounted heavy turbolaser cannon
4 heavy turbolaser cannons
6 heavy turbolaser turrets
5 turbolaser cannons
30 dual laser cannons
12 dual light laser cannons
60 point-defense laser cannons

300 crew for full effectiveness
20,000 passengers
2 squadrons of starfighters

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Space Vehicle Cosmetic
Auxiliary Hangar (1/1)
Capital Ship Upgrade (0/8)

This slot is empty

Starfighter Hangar (2/2)