Combat Medic Armor

Combat Medic Armor
(Imperial Moff Battle Armor)
Type: Armor
Category: Light Armor

Armor Light Resistance Upgrade - I: Armorweave Construction

Armor Cosmetic: GAL:FMC Scheme

Armor Enhancement - III: Thermal Containment System

Armor Helmet Upgrade - II: Medical H.U.D.

Armor Enhancement - II: Space Vehicle Slaving System


Owned by: Dr. Bril Teg Arga

Prototype: Imperial Moff Battle Armor

Slotted in: Tagrei Sula

The Imperial Moff Battle Armor is a heavier version of traditional Imperial Officer Battle Armor. It consists of a double-breasted black tunic with a round collar and matching trousers, a pair of black boots, a belt and an open-faced combat helmet. A medium black chestplate is worn over the tunic. While free of medals and battle ribbons, it features various rank insignia including a metal plaque, several code cylinders and officer's disks. Moff Gideon was known to wear one of these armors.

Armorweave Construction (Armor Light Resistance Upgrade - I)

Combat Medic Armor has been constructed using a lightweight armorweave, providing it with a little additional protection against a variety of attacks when compared to standard Imperial Moff Battle Armors.

GAL:FMC Scheme (Armor Cosmetic)

This armor has been modified to match the olive green, pale brown, and black color scheme used in the attire of field medics in service to House Galeres. The cape has been replaced with a fashionable lab coat that is gunmetal gray in color.

Thermal Containment System (Armor Enhancement - III)

Combat Medic Armor has been fitted with a temperature containment system, allowing for Imperial Moff Battle Armor to avoid detection by thermal scanners.

Medical H.U.D. (Armor Helmet Upgrade - II)

The helmet on this Imperial Moff Battle Armor has been fitted with a medical oriented heads up display compared to other Imperial Moff Battle Armors. All prevalent medical information of a patient is displayed around the peripheral of the user's field range, for ease of use while keeping the center view unobstructed.

Space Vehicle Slaving System (Armor Enhancement - II)

A slave system has been installed in Combat Medic Armor, allowing this Imperial Moff Battle Armor to call a starship that has been equipped with a slaving system to the location of the wearer.