Sonn-Blas FWMB-10B Repeating Blaster

Sonn-Blas FWMB-10B Repeating Blaster
Type: Weapon (Blasters)
Category: Blaster Rifle

Size: 2 slots

Blaster Weapon Enhancement - I: Lightweight Frame

Blaster Rifle Weapon Upgrade - II: Underslung Grenade Launcher

Blaster Weapon TargettIng Enhancement - II: Holo-Scope

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1


Owned by: Antei Armaments

Prototype: Sonn-Blas FWMB-10B Repeating Blaster

The Sonn-Blas FWMB-10B Repeating Blaster is a heavy Blaster Rifle weapon manufactured by Sonn-Blas, and the successor to the First Order FWMB-10 Repeating Blaster. Unlike the regular FWMB-10 this weapon is streamlined to be less cumbersome, with the entire weapon covered in a black and red paint scheme. It features a high-magnification electroscope for long-range targeting, and has a collapsable stand for consistent fire. It was used by the Sith Eternal during the final battle of the First Order-Resistance Conflict.

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Ranged Weapon Cosmetic
Lightweight Frame (Blaster Weapon Enhancement - I)

Sonn-Blas FWMB-10B Repeating Blaster has been modified with lighter alloy materials and reduction in excess components, allowing this Sonn-Blas FWMB-10B Repeating Blaster to be handled much easier.

Underslung Grenade Launcher (Blaster Rifle Weapon Upgrade - II)

The underside of this Sonn-Blas FWMB-10B Repeating Blaster has been fitted with a miniaturized grenade launcher, allowing Sonn-Blas FWMB-10B Repeating Blaster to shoot up to 6 mini frag grenades using the Explosives skill.

Holo-Scope (Blaster Weapon TargettIng Enhancement - II)

The top of this Sonn-Blas FWMB-10B Repeating Blaster has been fitted with a holographic scope, allowing Sonn-Blas FWMB-10B Repeating Blaster to project a small crosshair above the weapon that reaches a short-range.