Yeet Canon 2.0

Yeet Canon 2.0
(Synergy CX-101 Crystal Blaster Rifle)
Type: Weapon (Blasters)
Category: Blaster Rifle

Size: 2 slots

Ranged Weapon Cosmetic: Chromium Plated

Blaster Weapon Enhancement - I: Vented Barrel

Blaster Weapon Targeting Enhancement - II: Infrared Scope

Blaster Weapon Upgrade - III: Overcharged Actuating Module


Owned by: Lord Marick Tyris Arconae

Prototype: Synergy CX-101 Crystal Blaster Rifle

Slotted in: 02 - Wyn's Stuff

The Synergy CX-101 Blaster Rifle is a moderately heavy, powerful Blaster Rifle designed around the ascendant crystals used by the Children of Mortis. It fires blaster shots empowered by the crystals, which leave burning marks on any surface it hits. Repetitive shots into the same spot will amplify the burning effect until it starts to erode the area around the specified location. If the blasts hit organic material, this burning is amplified based on how sensitive the organic material is to heat. Use of ascendant crystals in this weapon give it a near unlimited supply of ammunition, and it is accurate at medium to close ranges. It was developed by Synergy Technologies for the Brotherhood.

Chromium Plated (Ranged Weapon Cosmetic)

Yeet Canon 2.0 has been coated in a thin layer of chromium, giving it a reflective mirror like finish. It gives this Synergy CX-101 Crystal Blaster Rifle an unmistakable appearance that draws attention and gives an appearance of luxury.

Vented Barrel (Blaster Weapon Enhancement - I)

The barrel on this Synergy CX-101 Crystal Blaster Rifle has been replaced with a larger and reinforced barrel, allowing Yeet Canon 2.0 to fire shots of increased penetration.

Infrared Scope (Blaster Weapon Targeting Enhancement - II)

The top of this Synergy CX-101 Crystal Blaster Rifle has been fitted with an infrared scope, allowing Yeet Canon 2.0 to locate targets in the infrared viewing spectrum.

Overcharged Actuating Module (Blaster Weapon Upgrade - III)

Yeet Canon 2.0 has been modified with an overcharged actuating module that alters the electromagnetic accelerator, allowing this Synergy CX-101 Crystal Blaster Rifle to fire bolts of greatly increased power and penetration.