Possessions - DT-7579

Possessions - DT-7579
(Item Container)
Type/Category: Meta


  • Brotherhood-issued Inquisitorius Datapad
  • Brotherhood-issued Computer Linked Gauntlets
  • IM-40 Three-Slot Ammunition and Tool Pouch
  • Thermal Detonator
  • C-25 Fragmentation Grenade
  • C-25 Fragmentation Grenade
  • C-25 Fragmentation Grenade
  • BlasTech DLT-19X Targeting Rifle
  • BlasTech SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster
  • Imperial Death Trooper Armor
  • Inquisitorius Scanner
  • Brotherhood-issued Collegium Translation Visor
  • Brotherhood-issued Microsensory Stabilization Gloves

Owned by: Master Selika Roh di Plagia

Slotted in: Possessions - Troopers

Container usable to group items