ODN Resurgent

ODN Resurgent
(Nebula-class Star Destroyer)
Type: Space Vehicle
Category: Destroyer

Space Vehicle Cosmetic: Battleworn

Space Transports:

  • CR25 Troop Carrier Flight
  • YE-4 Gunship Flight


  • Archon Sentries
  • Valkyrie Squadron
  • Banshee Squadron
  • The Ash Angels
  • Rapier Squadron

Capital Ship Upgrade:

  • Ascendant Crystal Engine Array


Owned by: Clan Odan-Urr

Prototype: Nebula-class Star Destroyer

Slotted in: O.U.S.C. 2nd Fleet (CORE)

Wiki link: ODN Resurgent (Nebula-class Star Destroyer)

The Nebula-class Star Destroyer is a "pocket-sized" Destroyer at 1040-meters, constructed for the New Republic as a command ship to be a match for an Imperial-II Star Destroyer in regards to armament, but with increased armor, shielding, and maneuverability to be able to take on two heavy cruisers or an entire line of support vessels. Hyperdrive capable, this vessel has exceptional speed and maneuverability, very heavy armor, and tri-layer shielding.

40 heavy turbolaser batteries
40 heavy turbolaser cannons
20 ion cannons
8 turreted assault concussion missile tubes
80 pulse cannons
8 tractor beams

7,039 crew for full effectiveness
1,600 passengers
15,000 metric tons of cargo
5 squadrons of starfighters

Battleworn (Space Vehicle Cosmetic)

ODN Resurgent has seen combat, and it shows, with laser marks scarring the plating on the vehicle, and minor damage in the form of scratches and dents unrepaired since they had no impact on the functionality of this Nebula-class Star Destroyer.

Capital Ship Upgrade (1/10)
Squadrons (5/5)
Archon Sentries (T-70 X-wing Starfighter Squadron)
Valkyrie Squadron (T-70 X-wing Starfighter Squadron)
Banshee Squadron (RZ-2 A-wing Interceptor Squadron)
The Ash Angels (BTL-A4 Y-Wing Starfighter Squadron)
Rapier Squadron (A/SF-01 B-Wing Starfighter Squadron)