The Bronze Helix Observatory (Drus’hav’nik’ta’dold’ir)

The Bronze Helix Observatory (Drus’hav’nik’ta’dold’ir)
Type: Planetary Base
Category: Fortification

Size: 3 slots

Fortification Cosmetic: Ancient Observatory

Defenses: Empty


Owned by: Clan Scholae Palatinae

Prototype: Base

Slotted in: Seraph

The Base is a medium planetary installation. Capable of supporting up to ten thousand troops or personnel, this installation is versatile and can be supported by weaponry and defensive structures in substantial quantities.

Ancient Observatory (Fortification Cosmetic)

Drus’hav’nik’ta’dold’ir consists of rather plain, circular building, made of roughed sandstone ranging in color from reds, purples, tans and yellows. At the core of the building, exists a vertical pit one hundred meters across and four thousand meters deep. The pit has a singular helical path which leads down into the depths at a near perfect one percent grade. The walls of the pit were once clad in polished bronze mirrors, any of these mirrors have fallen. Those that remain have long since been tarnished beyond any reflective capability.

The floor is made of finely polished obsidian. At the center of the landing, what appears to be a ritual station sits perfectly centered. Branching off from the main pit, there is a massive underground complex of corridors and galleries carved into the stone. During rainy seasons, large waterfalls cascade from the surface into the dark depths below.

Defenses (0/15)

This slot is empty