Beskar Gravity Hammer

Beskar Gravity Hammer
Type: Weapon (Blunt)
Category: Bludgeon

Granted: Pure Beskar Alloy

Blunt Weapon Upgrade - I: Balanced

Blunt Weapon Handle Upgrade - I: Tremor Cell

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1


Owned by: Rian Taldrya

Prototype: Beskar Gravity Hammer

Slotted in: Kaehn Vears

The Beskar Gravity Hammer is a medium-sized Bludgeon resembling a large one-sided hammer. It has a large weighted striking head at the top, with the hammer's grip placed at the bottom to maximize swing and striking. The Beskar Gravity Hammer is typically used in forging processes, but can double easily as a weapon. The Armorer was known to use one of these hammers to forge items made of Beskar following the fall of the Empire.

Granted Aspect: Pure Beskar Alloy (Granted)

Pure Beskar Alloy

This Beskar Gravity Hammer has been constructed with pure beskar alloy. This pure beskar alloy allows Kaehn Vears to use his Beskar Gravity Hammer to resist blaster and lightsaber attacks.

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Melee Weapon Cosmetic
Balanced (Blunt Weapon Upgrade - I)

Beskar Gravity Hammer has been fitted with a completely balanced handle, allowing this Beskar Gravity Hammer to be handled with much greater accuracy.

Tremor Cell (Blunt Weapon Handle Upgrade - I)

The handle of this Beskar Gravity Hammer has been outfitted with a tremor cell, allowing Beskar Gravity Hammer to subdue an opponent rather than kill them by dazing them.