Kohlen Crystal Shield Bracer

Kohlen Crystal Shield Bracer
Type: Weapon (Blunt)
Category: Shield

Shield Cosmetic: Heavy Use


Owned by: Alaisy "Aphotis" Tir'eivra

Prototype: Kohlen Crystal Shield Bracer

The Kohlen Crystal Shield Bracer is a specially designed Shield bracer that uses a small shield generator powered by a kohlen crystal to create a forearm sized shield. This shield is completely impenetrable from both sides including lightsabers using kyber crystals, but can be bypassed with a lightsaber utilizing a kohlen crystal. While advanced, the power of the bracer is limited and can only be used for a maximum of several minutes before needing to be recharged.

Heavy Use (Shield Cosmetic)

Kohlen Crystal Shield Bracer is a typical drab rust-brown color, with definite signs of wear along its edges. It looks as if this Kohlen Crystal Shield Bracer has seen consistent and heavy use.