Lions Pride

Lions Pride
(Jedi General Armor)
Type: Armor
Category: Medium Armor

Armor Enhancement - I: Energy Resistant Overlay

Armor Enhancement - II: Mag Boots

Armor Medium Resistance Upgrade - III: Ablative Plating

Armor Cosmetic: Paladin


Owned by: Koda Kendis

Prototype: Jedi General Armor

Slotted in: Leonidas

The Jedi General Armor is modified from trooper armor to offer significantly better protection to certain areas of the body in combat over traditional Jedi Robes, yet staying light and comfortable to allow as much freedom of movement as possible in utilizing the Force. It was worn out of necessity in times of conflict over traditional Jedi robes. Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi wore a modified clone armor set design during the Clone Wars including modified chest plate armor and gauntlets.

Energy Resistant Overlay (Armor Enhancement - I)

Lions Pride has been enhanced with an energy resistant overlay, that allows the wearer of this Jedi General Armor to have a resistance against energy based sources.

Mag Boots (Armor Enhancement - II)

The boots on this Jedi General Armor have been enhanced with powerful magnetic soles that allow the wearer to maintain footing in low-gravity situations.

Ablative Plating (Armor Medium Resistance Upgrade - III)

Lions Pride has been reinforced with a special type of ablative plating, providing it with advanced protection from the removal of the original material from Jedi General Armor by means of vaporization, chipping, scarring, and other erosive processes.

Paladin (Armor Cosmetic)

This set of Lions Pride has been modified to allow for dark grey armoring worn above simple blue-grey robes and a beige tabbard. The armor includes a set of greives, gauntlets, and a cuirass that covers the upper torso with a veveled neckguard.