Sonn-Blas G125 Projectile Launcher

Sonn-Blas G125 Projectile Launcher
Type: Weapon (Explosives)
Category: Explosives Launcher

Size: 2 slots

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 4


Owned by: Antei Armaments

Prototype: Sonn-Blas G125 Projectile Launcher

The Sonn-Blas G125 Projectile Launcher is an Explosives Launcher designed with a triple-barrel design. Although it is a seemingly small weapon about the size of a blaster rifle, it packs quite a punch. The G125 Projectile Launcher is capable of firing a standard blaster bolt from its middle barrel or a more powerful explosive round from the two side barrels. It saw use by the First Order during the First Order-Resistance conflict.

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Ranged Weapon Cosmetic
Empty Upgrade Slot
Accepts Explosives Launcher Ammunition - I or Explosives Launcher Ammunition - II
Empty Upgrade Slot
Accepts Explosives Launcher Enhancement - I, Explosives Launcher Enhancement - II, Explosives Launcher Upgrade - I, or Explosives Launcher Upgrade - II
Empty Upgrade Slot
Accepts Blaster Weapon TargettIng Enhancement - I or Blaster Weapon TargettIng Enhancement - II