Cutlass-9 Patrol Fighter

Cutlass-9 Patrol Fighter
Type: Space Vehicle
Category: Starfighter

Space Vehicle Cosmetic: Mint Condition


  • Ion Engine Upgrade


Owned by: Wedge

Prototype: Cutlass-9 Patrol Fighter

The Cutlass-9 Patrol Fighter is a 12 meter long designed by the SoroSuub Corporation. Hyperdrive capable, this vessel has average speed, good maneuverability, and moderate sheilds and armor. It is armed with two medium laser cannons and one concussion missile launcher. This fighter saw use with the Confederacy of Independent Systems and later the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

2 medium laser cannons
1 missile launcher

1 pilot

Mint Condition (Space Vehicle Cosmetic)

Cutlass-9 Patrol Fighter has been painstakingly cared for, and even upon close examination it appears as though Cutlass-9 Patrol Fighter was freshly off the manufacturing line. Absent of any scratches, dents or even the slightest imperfections, the only thing missing is the new vehicle smell.

Upgrade (1/1)