Juniper Scented Candle

Juniper Scented Candle
(Gorvin Snu)
Type: Companion
Category: Reptile

Tameability Category: Tameable


Owned by: Thran Occasus-Palpatine

Prototype: Gorvin Snu

Slotted in: Bag of 18 Lizards

Gorvin Snu are a small lizard like creature that grow to be about the size of a human foot. They have scaly orange skin with spines protuding from the back of the head.

Granted Aspect: Tameable (Tameability Category)


Juniper Scented Candle is wild by nature, but has had its behavior modified to accept the presence of humanoids by an intervention. It is trained against its wild instincts to accept humanoids. As creature handling goes up, a member can better empathize, train, and manage this creature's behavior. Untrained (+0), this creature will do whatever it wants and one would be helpless to understand why, with its natural disposition taking over. As creature handling skills improve, a member can understand, care for, and better influence this creature with full control achieved with mastery (+5) of creature handling.