
(C-9979 Landing Craft)
Type: Space Vehicle
Category: Corvette

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1

Capital Ship Upgrade: Empty


Owned by: Clan Plagueis

Prototype: C-9979 Landing Craft

Slotted in: Transport Command

The C-9979 Landing Craft is a 210-meter-long Corvette designed to be used as a heavy troop transport. It was manufactured by the Haor Chall Engineering Corporation for use by the Trade Federation, and later on the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Hyperdrive capable, this vessel has poor maneuverability and speed, with heavy armor and shielding.

4 dual laser cannon turrets (dorsal)
4 laser cannons (forward)

143 crew for full effectiveness
2500 passengers
5500 metric tons of cargo

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Space Vehicle Cosmetic
Capital Ship Upgrade (0/4)

This slot is empty