Dread Guard Squadron

Dread Guard Squadron
(TIE/DG Dagger Starfighter Squadron)
Type: Squadron
Category: Starfighter

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1


Owned by: Clan Plagueis

Prototype: TIE/DG Dagger Starfighter Squadron

Slotted in: Vindictive

The TIE/DG Dagger Starfighter Squadron is a support space element that consists of twelve TIE/DG Dagger Starfighters, along with trained pilots to fly them including a command element made up of a commander and an executive officer. It also includes a small team of mechanics and engineers to maintain and operate the starfighters. Squadrons can operate out of capital ships that have hangar space for them or independently.

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Space Vehicle Cosmetic