Bes'uliik-class Beskar Starfighter

Bes'uliik-class Beskar Starfighter
Type: Space Vehicle
Category: Starfighter

Space Vehicle Cosmetic: Blackout

Space Vehicle Modification: Smuggling Compartments

Additional Weapon Mounts: Empty

Hardpoint: Empty

Enhancement: Empty

Upgrade: Empty


Owned by: Regent's Rarities

Prototype: Bes'uliik-class Beskar Starfighter

The Bes'uliik-class Beskar Starfighter is a 15-meter-long versatile Starfighter designed by MandalMotors to be everything from a planetary-bomber to a regular starfighter and long-range "hunter-killer". It had a plain and clean-lined "V"-shape with a squared-off tail and high-tech baffled exhausts to enhance stealth, with a cockpit hatch hinged at the top for entry. The cockpit made use of advanced display technology, and control systems that could be activated simply by where the pilot was looking. The fighter was also able to tilt vertically on its tail section to land and take off in a tiny area, approximately eight-by-four meters. It made use of an ultra-thin beskar outer skin on its regular armor plating, providing it near unrivaled levels of protection. Hyperdrive capable, it has average maneuverability and great speed, with powerful armor and average shielding.

4 blaster cannons
2 additional weapon mounts

1 pilot for full effectiveness
1 co-pilot and 1 passenger (optional)

Blackout (Space Vehicle Cosmetic)

Bes'uliik-class Beskar Starfighter has had every external component painted black as night, with attempts to minimize the brightness of external lights and features. This allows this Bes'uliik-class Beskar Starfighter to more easily blend into the darkness of space

Smuggling Compartments (Space Vehicle Modification)

Bes'uliik-class Beskar Starfighter has had hidden compartments have been added, which allow items to be hidden out of plain sight. These compartments are not shielded and can be detected with the right tools.

Additional Weapon Mounts (0/2)

This slot is empty

Enhancement (0/1)

This slot is empty

Hardpoint (0/1)

This slot is empty

Upgrade (0/2)

This slot is empty