Brotherhood-issued Collegium Research Droid
Utility Droid
Droid Personality: Sarcastic Tendencies
Owned by: Koda Kendis
Prototype: Brotherhood-issued Collegium Research Droid
Slotted in: Brotherhood Issued
The Brotherhood-issued Collegium Science Research Droid is an advanced droid model engineered by the Aurora Collegium. Its purpose is to assist Collegium field scientists in research and experimentation. It features an expansive mobile scientific database similar to the RH-series Research Droid, and a reconfigurable locomotive apparatus similar to the TKD-160 Research Assistant Droid. It stands 1.9 meters tall in its two-leg configuration, the droid is equipped with a suspension system that cushions its movement, preventing unstable chemicals and compounds from potentially dangerous jarring. It also possesses an advanced protocol chip that enables it to engage in “creative brainstorming” with organic scientists; a monocular eyepiece that contains a high-powered, multi-spectrum molecular microscope; sophisticated olfactory analysis technology; and an “endosystem” providing six ports on the droid’s vertebrae for the attachment of dock-able accessories like additional arms, work surfaces, small tools or injection needles.
Brotherhood-issued Collegium Research Droid has developed a quirked personality, granting it an inclination towards heavy doses of sarcasm when engaged in dialogue. As a result, Brotherhood-issued Collegium Research Droid comes across as having issues taking direction and developed a reputation for 'snark'.