Armor & Attire

Armor & Attire
(Item Container)
Type/Category: Meta


  • Inquisitor Armor
  • Brotherhood-issued Elite Syndicate Hunter Armor
  • Brotherhood-issued Syndicate Hunter Attire
  • Syndicate Hunter Attire
  • Brotherhood-issued Royal Guard Armor
  • Ring of Visions
  • Arconae Ring
  • Ring of Transcendence
  • Pendant of Ascension
  • Brotherhood-issued Elite Royal Guard Praetorian Armor
  • Brotherhood-issued Envoy Charm
  • Brotherhood-issued Envoy Threads
  • Brotherhood-issued Elite Royal Guard TactiX Armor
  • Brotherhood-issued Royal Guard TactiX Armor

Owned by: Proconsul Diyrian "Diy" Grivna

Container usable to group items