Judge's Hammer

Judge's Hammer
Type: Weapon (Blunt)
Category: Bludgeon

Size: 2 slots

Granted: Phrik Alloy Construction

Blunt Weapon Handle Upgrade - III: Arakyd 900 Gene-Lock + Trapped Handle

Blunt Weapon Upgrade - II: Weighted Core


Owned by: The Vault

Prototype: Judge's Hammer

The Judge's Hammer is a large two-handed warhammer Bludgeon bearing the Antei Combat Centre logo. It is a lightsaber resistant hammer used by capable Judges who often know they must step in to stop a fight between unrelenting combatants.

Granted Aspect: Phrik Alloy Construction (Granted)

Phrik Alloy Construction

This Judge's Hammer has been constructed out of nearly indestructible phrik alloy. This phrik alloy allows The Vault to use their Judge's Hammer to resist blaster and lightsaber attacks.

Arakyd 900 Gene-Lock + Trapped Handle (Blunt Weapon Handle Upgrade - III)

The handle on this Judge's Hammer has been modified with a cell recognizer and trapped handle. When an unauthorized user grabs Judge's Hammer, several spikes erupt from the hilt and stab the holder's hand.

Weighted Core (Blunt Weapon Upgrade - II)

Judge's Hammer has had as much material as possible removed and replaced with far denser material, increasing the weight of this Judge's Hammer as much as possible while attempting to maintain overall balance.