N-1 Starfighter Model

N-1 Starfighter Model
(Family Heirloom)
Type/Category: Accessory

Family Heirloom: Reclaiming Day Gift From Flyndt


Owned by: Master Aiden Lee Deshra

Prototype: Family Heirloom

Slotted in: Eevie

The Family Heirloom is a cherished item passed down through generation after generation of the owner's lineage.

Reclaiming Day Gift From Flyndt (Family Heirloom)

A gift, this model is primarily made of wood. It is a rough depiction of the N-1 starfighter "Free Bird" angled upward with what looked like a trailing tail of many birds. The gaps between each of the birds are crudely shaped as more birds, and the tail curled around to spread out near the ship's nose, forming a figure eight pattern. Metal has been inlaid into the Free Bird-1 model, grills on the sides, nuts and bolts for her needle like protrusions, and a rosey gold figure has been placed in the cockpit.