Vine Snake

Vine Snake
Type: Companion
Category: Reptile

Tameability Category: Untameable

Toxic Creature: Venomous Bite: Vine Snake

Creature Physical: Just Right

Creature Personality: Silent Hunter

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1


Owned by: Iron Menagerie

Prototype: Vine Snake

The Vine Snake is a serpent found in the jungle regions of many planets. They lie in wait on branches or among actual vines for camouflage and kill their victims through constriction.


Granted Aspect: Untameable (Tameability Category)


Vine Snake is wild, and its behavior cannot be modified to accept the presence of humanoids. It cannot be trained to abandon its wild instincts and will generally continue to do whatever it wants. As creature handling goes up, a character can better predict what this creature will do and empathize and understand it despite being unable to tame it. With proficiency (+3) a member could manage to successfully own and cage this creature but not safely interact with it and influence its behavior, with a better understanding and ability to manage this Vine Snake coming with mastery (+5).

Granted Aspect: Venomous Bite: Vine Snake (Toxic Creature)

Venomous Bite: Vine Snake

Mild: Vine Snake possesses a venomous bite, typically used to incapacitate its prey. In an adult humanoid, the venom will produce fatigue, pain, nausea, and disorientation within minutes, but is only rarely fatal even without medical attention.

Just Right (Creature Physical)

Vine Snake is the average size and body mass for a Vine Snake, with a balanced build for mobility agility, and power.

Silent Hunter (Creature Personality)

Vine Snake thrives on the hunt, but prefers to use stealth and careful preparation to pick and choose their battles. They see no need to rush headlong after a prey or target, but can often miss out on success if they miss their timing.

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Creature Cosmetic