
(Item Container)
Type/Category: Meta


  • Nightsister Duskblade
  • C1-INT
  • Breath Mask
  • Nightsister Armor
  • BioTech Implant
  • The Revenant
  • Brotherhood-issued Advanced Inquisitor Comlink
  • Personal Sensor Jammer
  • Brotherhood-issued Royal Guard TactiX Manual
  • Brotherhood-issued Elite Royal Guard TactiX Armor
  • Armorweave Cloak
  • Czerka Arms "Bounty Hunter Edition" Adventurer Hunting Rifle
  • Brotherhood-issued Computer Linked Gauntlets
  • Stuncuffs
  • Vreva's Nice Suit
  • Light Amplification Goggles
  • KiSteer 1284 Projectile Rifle
  • Assassin Armor

Owned by: Ghost Luka Zarkot

Container usable to group items