Explosive Knife

Explosive Knife
Type: Weapon (Bladed)
Category: Dagger

Melee Weapon Cosmetic: Mint Condition

Bladed Weapon Hilt Upgrade - I: Vibration Generator

Bladed Weapon Enhancement - II: Basic Mullinine Edge


Owned by: Antei Armaments

Prototype: Explosive Knife

The Explosive Knife is a Dagger consisting of a small hilt typically worn on the wrist containing a retractable, serrated blade. Once stabbed into an enemy, the explosive can be activated remotely or if struck by blaster fire. The serrated blade makes it difficult to remove once implanted in the victim, making it a lethal and versatile weapon. Riff Tamson was known to use these.

Mint Condition (Melee Weapon Cosmetic)

Explosive Knife has been painstakingly cared for, and even upon close examination it appears as though Explosive Knife was freshly off the manufacturing line. It is absent of any scratches, dents or even the slightest imperfections.

Vibration Generator (Bladed Weapon Hilt Upgrade - I)

The handle on this Explosive Knife has been modified with a vibration generator, turning Explosive Knife into a basic vibroweapon.

Basic Mullinine Edge (Bladed Weapon Enhancement - II)

Explosive Knife has been fitted with a basic mulliline blade, allowing this Explosive Knife to keep its sharpness and deliver slightly more penetrating injuries.