TIE/SH Shuttle Flight

TIE/SH Shuttle Flight
Type: Flight
Category: Shuttle

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1


Owned by: Clan Plagueis

Prototype: TIE/SH Shuttle Flight

Slotted in: Efficiency Dividend

The TIE/sh Shuttle flight is unit that consists of four TIE/sh Shuttles, along with four pilots, four technicians and two mechanics to operate and maintain them. The TIE/sh is a 7.8 meter long troop transport designed for the Galactic Empire as a variant of the TIE/sa Bomber with landing gear and no payload that served as an inter-fleet transport. This vessel had poor maneuverability and speed especially in an atmosphere, with only light armoring and no shields. Operated by pilots in the flight, each can carry up to 12 troops, allowing the flight to carry 48 soldiers or passengers.

2 laser cannons

1 pilot 12 passengers

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Space Vehicle Cosmetic