The Panoptes

The Panoptes
(Cumulus-class Pirate Corsair)
Type: Space Vehicle
Category: Corvette

Space Vehicle Cosmetic: Blackout

Hangar Bay:

  • Ordo-class Beskar Starfighter Squadron

Capital Ship Upgrade:

  • Shroud Slicing Suite
  • Veteran Crew
  • Cloaking Device


Owned by: Clan Vizsla

Prototype: Cumulus-class Pirate Corsair

Slotted in: Command/Intelligence Group

The Cumulus-class Pirate Corsair is a 175-meter long Corvette designed as a raiding vessel. It is not designed for military operations, and is better suited for pillaging nearly defenseless worlds. It has a long prow, with the fore shaped not unlike the Sphyrna-class Hammerhead Corvette, and features a large dorsal hangar that takes up the majority of the ship's interior. Hyperdrive capable, it has average maneuverability and great speed, with light armor and average shielding. The pirate king Gorian Shard used one of these.

4 quad laser cannon turrets
14 ventral gunwales

20 crew for full effectiveness
50 passengers
1 squadron of starfighters

Blackout (Space Vehicle Cosmetic)

The Panoptes has had every external component painted black as night, with attempts to minimize the brightness of external lights and features. This allows this Cumulus-class Pirate Corsair to more easily blend into the darkness of space