Wanderer's Travel Garb

Wanderer's Travel Garb
Type: Armor
Category: Light Armor

Armor Light Resistance Upgrade - II: Re-entry Ready (Basic)

Armor Cosmetic: Low-Light Camo

Armor Helmet Upgrade - III: Environmental Filtration System (Advanced)

Armor Enhancement - II: Mag Boots

Armor Enhancement - II: Water Reclamation System


Owned by: Adem Bol'era

Prototype: Wanderer's Travel Garb

The Wanderer’s Travel Garb is a set of practical gear generally worn by those who often find themselves in harsh and unforgiving environments. It consists of various layers of fabrics, hide, and patchwork armorweave segments, with comfortable banded boots, and is capable of protecting the individual from the elements and providing minimal protection. It comes with an enclosed helmet with a polarized visor and an air filtration system

Re-entry Ready (Basic) (Armor Light Resistance Upgrade - II)

Wanderer's Travel Garb has been constructed with a reinforced exterior and fitted with seals to allow the wearer of the Wanderer's Travel Garb to safely pass through Class I and II atmospheres from orbit with no severe weather present.

Low-Light Camo (Armor Cosmetic)

Wanderer's Travel Garb has been designed with a low-light scheme camouflage. Each component of the armor has been applied with a mingled pattern of black and dark blue tones to better blend with a low-light environment.

Environmental Filtration System (Advanced) (Armor Helmet Upgrade - III)

The helmet of this Wanderer's Travel Garb has been fitted with an advanced environmental filtration system, allowing it to filter out microscopic particles including viral and subatomic toxin based gasses.

Mag Boots (Armor Enhancement - II)

The boots on this Wanderer's Travel Garb have been enhanced with powerful magnetic soles that allow the wearer to maintain footing in low-gravity situations.

Water Reclamation System (Armor Enhancement - II)

Wanderer's Travel Garb has been fitted with a water reclamation system, allowing this Wanderer's Travel Garb to filter and purify fluids excreted from the body for reconsumption and reducing the amount of water needed.