Ichor Sword

Ichor Sword
Type: Weapon (Bladed)
Category: Sword

Granted: Magick Ichor Construction

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 3


Owned by: Regent's Rarities

Prototype: Ichor Sword

The Ichor Sword is a specialized Sword weapon created by the Nightsisters of Dathomir and Peridea. The sword is created using ichor from Dathomiri Shadow Magick, making it completely resistant to lightsaber blades. When used, the blade emits a putrid green ichor flame and choking smoke. Mother Talzin and Elsbeth Morgan were known to use one of these swords.

Granted Aspect: Magick Ichor Construction (Granted)

Magick Ichor Construction

This Ichor Sword has been created using Dathomiri Shadow Magick, giving Regent's Rarities the ability to resist lightsaber attacks using their Ichor Sword.

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Melee Weapon Cosmetic
Empty Upgrade Slot
Accepts Bladed Weapon Enhancement - I, Bladed Weapon Enhancement - II, Bladed Weapon Enhancement - III, or Bladed Weapon Enhancement - IV
Empty Upgrade Slot
Accepts Bladed Weapon Hilt Upgrade - I, Bladed Weapon Hilt Upgrade - II, Bladed Weapon Hilt Upgrade - III, or Bladed Weapon Hilt Upgrade - IV