Royal Guard TactiX Vambrace

Royal Guard TactiX Vambrace
Type: Weapon (Miscellaneous)
Category: Projectile

Projectile Weapon Ammunition - II: Explosive Tipped Arrow

Blaster Weapon Enhancement - II: Whispershot Suppressor

Projectile Weapon Targeting Upgrade - III: XAD Omnisight

Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 2


Owned by: The Vault

Prototype: Royal Guard TactiX Vambrace

The Royal Guard TactiX Vambrace is a wrist-worn miscellaneous weapon and toolkit that draws inspiration from other wrist-worn weapons. It features a retractable wrist-blade that extends past the knuckles up to 20cm in length, an integrated single-barrel Dur-24 Wrist Laser enhanced with ascendant crystal technology for a higher fire rate and unlimited ammunition supply, as well as an integrated screen that allows control of armor systems or tracking of allies and dart shooter

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Ranged Weapon Cosmetic
Explosive Tipped Arrow (Projectile Weapon Ammunition - II)

The ammunition on this Royal Guard TactiX Vambrace has been swapped out with explosive-tipped arrows that cause a small detonation on impact similar to a microgrenade

Whispershot Suppressor (Blaster Weapon Enhancement - II)

Royal Guard TactiX Vambrace has been modified with a whispershot silencer, allowing this Royal Guard TactiX Vambrace to completely eliminate the noise produced by the gas agitation and injection.

XAD Omnisight (Projectile Weapon Targeting Upgrade - III)

The frame of this Royal Guard TactiX Vambrace has been fitted with an omni scope, allowing Royal Guard TactiX Vambrace to locate targets in darkness or through smoke with infrared and ultrasonic sensors.

Empty Aspect Slot
Accepts Poison Weapon