Alchemized Ancient Sith Regalia

Alchemized Ancient Sith Regalia
(Dark Age Sith Armor)
Type: Armor
Category: Heavy Armor

Granted: Sith Alchemy Armor

Enclosed Armor Upgrade - III: Reflec Adaptive Coating

Armor Heavy Resistance Upgrade - IV: Kiirium Coating (Experimental)

Armor Enhancement - I: Utility Arm

Armor Cosmetic: Ancient Sith Regalia

Armor Enhancement - IV: Optical Camouflage System (Advanced)

Armor Helmet Upgrade - IV: Integrated Artificial Intelligence


Owned by: General Zxyl Bes'uliik

Prototype: Dark Age Sith Armor

The Dark Age Sith Armor is a variant of Dark Armor that is built more heavily. A design inspired by the traditions of the Dark Side of the Force for use by the Sith in their war against the Jedi Order during the Jedi-Sith War.

Granted Aspect: Sith Alchemy Armor (Granted)

Sith Alchemy Armor

Alchemized Ancient Sith Regalia has been permanently altered by the Dark side of the Force using Sith Alchemy, these alchemical alterations give Sephtis the ability to resist lightsaber or blaster attacks using his Dark Age Sith Armor

Reflec Adaptive Coating (Enclosed Armor Upgrade - III)

This Dark Age Sith Armor has been coated in a specialized adaptive Reflec coating, both absorbing light and sensor pings to better blend with darkness and assist in avoiding sensor scans.

Kiirium Coating (Experimental) (Armor Heavy Resistance Upgrade - IV)

Alchemized Ancient Sith Regalia has been enhanced with a kiirium coating that allows this Dark Age Sith Armor the ability to disperse immediate major damage from heat weapons.

Utility Arm (Armor Enhancement - I)

Alchemized Ancient Sith Regalia has been fitted with a small utility arm, allowing this Dark Age Sith Armor to assist the wearer in a multitude of tasks, but is unable to hold or fire a weapon.

Ancient Sith Regalia (Armor Cosmetic)

This armor is a heavily modified set of Alchemized Ancient Sith Regalia. It is a crimson red armored exoskeleton of sharp lines that consists of a fully-enclosed helm featuring a full-view face plate visor, custom shoulder pauldrons, forearm-length gauntlets, a cuirass and partial plackart, integrated belt, thigh plates, knee guards, and full length boots with knee guards that sit above a matte black body-glove.

Hundreds of Sith runes have been etched across the various armor plating surfaces using sinister Sith Alchemy. The full-view helmet visor is black when faced directly, but is dark crimson when viewed at other angles or in the reflection of light.

Visual Representation

Optical Camouflage System (Advanced) (Armor Enhancement - IV)

Alchemized Ancient Sith Regalia has been fitted with an experimental optical camouflage generation system, allowing this Dark Age Sith Armor to hide from the naked eye and visual sensors by being rendered invisible. When the user moves at a slow speed, a small distortion can be seen.

Integrated Artificial Intelligence (Armor Helmet Upgrade - IV)

Alchemized Ancient Sith Regalia has been fitted with an artificial intelligence, allowing interaction with the user and control of all systems present on Dark Age Sith Armor.