Dark Age Sith Armor

Dark Age Sith Armor
Type: Armor
Category: Heavy Armor

Granted: Sith Alchemy Armor

Armor Enhancement - IV: Optical Camouflage System (Advanced)

Armor Enhancement - III: Thermal Containment System

Armor Helmet Upgrade - IV: Anti-Glare Coating (Experimental)

Armor Heavy Resistance Upgrade - IV: Re-entry Ready (Experimental)

Armor Cosmetic: Gloss Black with Punisher face

Enclosed Armor Upgrade - IV: Miniaturized Hypermatter Reactor


Owned by: Warlord Vincent Brujah

Prototype: Dark Age Sith Armor

Slotted in: 05 - Armor / Clothes

The Dark Age Sith Armor is a variant of Dark Armor that is built more heavily. A design inspired by the traditions of the Dark Side of the Force for use by the Sith in their war against the Jedi Order during the Jedi-Sith War.

Granted Aspect: Sith Alchemy Armor (Granted)

Sith Alchemy Armor

Dark Age Sith Armor has been permanently altered by the Dark side of the Force using Sith Alchemy, these alchemical alterations give Vincent Brujah the ability to resist lightsaber or blaster attacks using his Dark Age Sith Armor

Optical Camouflage System (Advanced) (Armor Enhancement - IV)

Dark Age Sith Armor has been fitted with an experimental optical camouflage generation system, allowing this Dark Age Sith Armor to hide from the naked eye and visual sensors by being rendered invisible. When the user moves at a slow speed, a small distortion can be seen.

Thermal Containment System (Armor Enhancement - III)

Dark Age Sith Armor has been fitted with a temperature containment system, allowing for Dark Age Sith Armor to avoid detection by thermal scanners.

Anti-Glare Coating (Experimental) (Armor Helmet Upgrade - IV)

The helmet viewplate in this Dark Age Sith Armor has been coated with an experimental specialized material in order to completely reduce the potential for glare in sudden high-brightness situations. It affords the user a clear view of situations that would typically be difficult to see or disorienting, and restores itself to the ambient lighting quickly.

Re-entry Ready (Experimental) (Armor Heavy Resistance Upgrade - IV)

Dark Age Sith Armor has been constructed with a reinforced exterior and fitted with seals to allow the wearer of the Dark Age Sith Armor to safely pass through Class V atmospheres from orbit, including the most severe weather and atmospheric conditions.

Gloss Black with Punisher face (Armor Cosmetic)

{Dark Age Sith Armor} has been painted to a glossy black finish over the entirety of the armor. The only exception is over the face of the helmet where a blood red dripping Punisher skull has been painted. The paint used does not interfere with the vision from within the armor.

Miniaturized Hypermatter Reactor (Enclosed Armor Upgrade - IV)

This Dark Age Sith Armor has had a miniaturized hypermatter reactor installed that allows it to run every suit system at peak power for a nearly unlimited amount of time compared to a regular Dark Age Sith Armor.