Echo of Kyr’tsad
(Crusader-class Corvette)
Space Vehicle
Item Aspect/Upgrade Slots available: 1
Clan Fleet Upgrade: Empty
Owned by: Clan Vizsla
Prototype: Crusader-class Corvette
Slotted in: The Warforged Flotilla
The Crusader-class Corvette is a 150-meter long Corvette designed by the Mandalorians during the Great Galactic War to fulfill a multitude of different roles but serves primarily as an anti-starfighter and support craft. It carries an advanced point-defense weapon system also capable of shooting down enemy missiles or torpedos. Hyperdrive capable, this vessel has great speed and maneuverability, with average armor and shielding.
2 point defense laser cannon batteries
3 point defense laser cannons
80 crew for full effectiveness
3,600 metric tons of cargo
This slot is empty