Ancient Jedi Crusader Lightsaber
Weapon (Lightsaber)
Lightsaber Structural Upgrade - III: Sith Alchemy Imbued
Lightsaber Enhancement - III: Ion Shielding
Lightsaber Focusing Crystal: Empty
Owned by: Bale Andros
Prototype: Ancient Jedi Crusader Lightsaber
Slotted in: 05 - Special Items
The Ancient Jedi Crusader Lightsaber is an ancient lightsaber design once used by a Jedi Crusader during the Dark Ages. It is a custom conversion hilt made up of a larger standard-size hilt and smaller shoto hilt that connect at the pommels with a unique coupling mechanism. While connected to the standard hilt the shoto can emit a full-length blade but otherwise shortens to a shoto blade while detached. The main segment of the hilt also has two deployable crossguards that fold and activate a small blade on either side of the hilt. This lightsaber is capable of being used in a single, crossguard, double-bladed or lightsaber and shoto lightsaber combination. Its dusk-yellow blades are capable of cutting through virtually anything, including blast doors, given enough time.
This lightsaber has been treated with Sith Alchemy, rendering the weapon almost indestructible and completely resistant to lightsaber attacks.
This lightsaber is fitted with redundency circuits that prevent it from being overloaded by electromagnetic pulses or other forms of ion damage.
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