Ancient Jedi Crusader Lightsaber

Ancient Jedi Crusader Lightsaber
Type: Weapon (Lightsaber)
Category: Award

Lightsaber Structural Upgrade - III: Sith Alchemy Imbued

Lightsaber Enhancement - III: Ion Shielding

Lightsaber Focusing Crystal: Empty

Owned by: Bale Andros

Prototype: Ancient Jedi Crusader Lightsaber

Slotted in: 05 - Special Items

The Ancient Jedi Crusader Lightsaber is an ancient lightsaber design once used by a Jedi Crusader during the Dark Ages. It is a custom conversion hilt made up of a larger standard-size hilt and smaller shoto hilt that connect at the pommels with a unique coupling mechanism. While connected to the standard hilt the shoto can emit a full-length blade but otherwise shortens to a shoto blade while detached. The main segment of the hilt also has two deployable crossguards that fold and activate a small blade on either side of the hilt. This lightsaber is capable of being used in a single, crossguard, double-bladed or lightsaber and shoto lightsaber combination. Its dusk-yellow blades are capable of cutting through virtually anything, including blast doors, given enough time.

Sith Alchemy Imbued (Lightsaber Structural Upgrade - III)

This lightsaber has been treated with Sith Alchemy, rendering the weapon almost indestructible and completely resistant to lightsaber attacks.

Ion Shielding (Lightsaber Enhancement - III)

This lightsaber is fitted with redundency circuits that prevent it from being overloaded by electromagnetic pulses or other forms of ion damage.

Lightsaber Focusing Crystal (0/1)

This slot is empty