- Event ID
- 150461
- Award
- Steel Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Lord Idris Adenn
- Primary reason
Reiden, despite his best efforts, continues to prove he is a capable and active member of Scholae Palatinae. He is a consistent and hardworking member who while managing to state he isn’t doing anything, manages to do an awful lot more than so many other members of this clan. Since his last recognition, Reiden has participated in 46 different competitions. Of those he has earned 3 Diamond Stars, 5 Ruby Stars, 7 Amethyst Stars, 6 Sapphire Stars, and an Emerald Star, a very impressive placement ratio compared to so many others I see in CSP.
Beyond this he has been one of the more active participants in our clan’s JA training sessions, having devoted several hours to practicing. This gaming has paid off in that he has also won 236 Clusters of Fire and 169 Clusters of Earth.
All in all Reiden, you are awesome. Keep being awesome. And Congratulations on this Steel Cross!
Lord Idris Adenn, 2016-08-18 03:21:21 UTC
- Additional reasons
Reiden continues to demonstrate a level of activity that goes beyond numbers and statistics. He participates in Star Conflict with others for fun, he joins in on JA sessions without the need for clusters and has tried his hand in writing. Despite only participating in 2 feud comps alone, it is his attitude to any obstacle that continues to impress us.
Well done, Reiden!
Quaestor of House Imperium
Qor Kith, 2016-08-16 23:39:39 UTC
Reiden astonishes us all with his sense of humility. One of the most active members in the clan, his competition participation record speaks for itself, as well as the numerous high level crescents earned. Furthermore, Reiden is always willing to improve, devoting many hours to work with more experienced members in the arts of gaming and writing.
General Zentru'la, 2016-08-17 08:23:03 UTC
Though he would have you believe otherwise, Reiden proves time and again how important he is to his clan and companions. He is a constant, hardworking and devoted cog in the CSP machine, and the records speak for themselves. This guy would have you believe he does nothing when in fact he is a whirlwind of activity. Considering the high level of diamond and ruby stars he as achieved, it it easy to tell just how capable he is.
Congratulations Reiden and thank you! You help make CSP great!
, 2016-08-18 00:20:31 UTC
Reiden is one of those minions that just understands how to be a great member. He often likes to discount what he does for House Imperium, but he does a LOT. He is an active, consistent competitor that continues to make Imperium proud month after month.
In addition to helping Blade take over House Imperium, Reiden also provides wonderful calligraphy. This provides wonderful additions to the community and helps cement his influence and place within it. He participation in the CSP JA Academy also is greatly appreciated and was a great example of his dedication to skill.
After all of the above, I recommend a well earned Steel Cross for Reiden. Congrats! Bravo!!
Now...Lets get back to our next takeover.
~AED Blade Ta'var
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2016-08-18 02:53:29 UTC
- Event ID
- 162054
- Award
- Steel Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Qor Kith
- Primary reason
A Steel Cross is awarded to members who demonstrate aide to a Quaestor or show mentorship to others through their actions. I am privileged to award Reiden Karr his second Steel Cross today en route towards his next elevation for being a pillar of House Imperium. He is unimaginably valuable to our House’s continued success and a role model to his fellow Equites advancing through the ranks.
Since his last recognition, Reiden has participated in 37 competitions, co-organized 5 competitions, penned 8 Fiction Activities (22482 words!), and passed 3 Shadow Academy courses. In that same time, he has collected many awards: 12 Crescents (4 Cr-A, 4 Cr-S, 3 Cr-E, 1 Cr-T), 44 Clusters of Ice, and 11 Clusters of Graphite. He also demonstrates exceptional presence on Telegram in the Clan channel and continues to be a bright spot for House Imperium in 2017. I hope you keep it up, Reiden, you are doing amazing.
Lexiconus Qor
Quaestor of Imperium
Qor Kith, 2017-04-23 08:59:09 UTC
- Additional reasons
I’m happy to be in a position to request a steel cross for one of the most long term, loyal members of CSP. Especially in 2017, Reiden has really kicked up the activity level and has put out some really high quality and high effort pieces of work to both our fiction and graphics competitions. The effort and pride Reiden takes in his submissions is evidenced by the numbers: 22482 words over 8 fictions averages to almost 3000 words per entry.
Although Reiden struggled for activity towards the end of 2016, 2017 has been an excellent year so far and he has consistently been one of our leading participants, entering 37 competitions since the 1st of January. It’s been excellent to see such a high level of participation, everyone on the summit is extremely happy with how Reiden has been performing lately and we’re very happy to recommend this award to one of our most active members of the year.
Congratulations Reiden!
Elincia Rei
Proconsul of Scholae Palatinae
General Zentru'la, 2017-04-22 15:48:38 UTC
Despite his own misgivings about his efforts, Reiden continues to be a loyal member of the clan, caring friend, and dedicated worker. While I know he sometimes has trouble seeing his own strengths, it is something the rest of us can see quite clearly. Today I am glad to recognize those strengths in this recommendation for him to be awarded a Steel Cross.
As of late, Reiden has been showing his skilled hand through some 37 different competition participations. He has co-organized an additional 5. With a great many crescents won, clusters earned, and words written he has shown himself to be a capable writer, artist and thinker. For his continued efforts I recommend him be awarded this Steel Cross. Congratulations Reiden! Drinks are on you!
Xen'Mordin Palpatine
Consul of Scholae Palatinae
Lord Idris Adenn, 2017-04-23 05:08:00 UTC
- Event ID
- 187376
- Award
- Steel Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Darth Aeternus
- Primary reason
Since his last reward, Reiden has participated in the RoS in a big way: he participated in every bin, and brought home three novae. Besides that, he has recently earned various crescents, and more then 50 clusters combined. He is a big part of why the clan ended in third overall. (Note to Reiden: Yes, you are.)
Not only that, but he is an excellent battleteam leader, doing what he can do motivate his team.
So, congratulations, Reiden!
Darth Aeternus, 2019-01-14 15:31:41 UTC
- Additional reasons
Reiden has always been a shining star in CSP, and I am more than happy to support giving him this steel cross. He was monumental in CSP's third placement in the RoS due to both his participation, placement in three events, and the motivating of others. He has won numerous crescents from competitions while also receiving many clusters from his hard work. As always, he has also continued to help motivate others into being active, and strives to find the path to take his battle team on. He is always vocal in summit chat providing very useful input and points for consideration.
Reiden is an outstanding member, and I will always look forward to seeing what accomplishments come his way.
Congratulations, Reiden! Well earned, my friend.
Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter, 2019-01-11 14:09:59 UTC
- Event ID
- 206066
- Award
- Steel Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Boss Ragnar Kul
- Primary reason
Respectfully, and proudly, submitting Reiden Palpatine Karr for a Steel Cross. Simply put, in no short way, is CSP still alive and active due to Reiden Karr. Full stop. It is known to many that CSP has had some activity and retention issues in previous years - but the one constant true north, the true pillar of CSP, is Reiden Karr. Reiden is ALWAYS active in driving conversation and activity whether it be via Telegram conversations that are lively and thriving, or email responses to Clan wide news. Reiden, however, leads by example without question and without drama - such things great Clans are made of. Specifically, if it were not for Reiden taking part so actively in the last GJW it is not too dramatic to ask would CSP still be an active Clan.
On to those metrics. Reiden participated in 48 competitions. How did he do? Well he received 32 Crescents equating to a nearly 75% placement rate. WOW. He wrote copious amounts of fiction as a prolific writer of 31,677 fiction words and over 1300 run-on words. What else? Well impressively Reiden scored CSP a Gold Nova in the most recent GJW and was the one shining light we had to lead the way. Additionally, he was awarded 7 Clusters of Graphite, 1 Legion of the Scholar, and 19 Seals. And, to be exact, he completed on Shadow Academy course.
Beyond these accolades, Reiden gives back to the Clan in many ways that may appear to go unseen to the general public but are truly vital to the rebirth of CSP. He has eagerly took on an apprentice that is racing towards Knighthood at a robust clip, due in no large part to Reiden's enthusiasm and guidance. Recently, and importantly, CSP conducted a MASSIVE overhaul of all of its Wiki pages and Clan possessions - breaking it down at the studs and starting anew. Reiden was active in vetting the possessions and providing feedback and guidance on how to honor CSP heritage while not being detrimental to the need for growth - a rare ability and graceful attribute of a titleholder indeed. This effort, in no small part, allowed for the very fictional growth and development that has seen CSP activity jump to levels not seen in years on a consistent basis.
Reiden, you are a true example of what a Palpatine should be. Thick and thin, good times and bad, you are here and you guide us. So goes Reiden so goes CSP. Congratulations, and thank you sir. Well done.
Boss Ragnar Kul, 2021-01-20 17:38:04 UTC
- Event ID
- 213356
- Award
- Steel Cross
- Quantity
- 1
- Requested by
- Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz
- Primary reason
Reiden is easily one of the most visible member of Clan Scholae Palatinae. As our Rollmaster he's actively engaged with new members and ensuring they're acclimated to our community. However, Reiden doesn't stop with just CSP. He's active within all the clan communities fostering relationships and building strong bonds.
From a metric perspective since his last recognition:
* 42 competitions
* 20,369 words of fiction
* 2 Shadow Academy courses
* 2 Novae
* 31 Crescents
* 41 Clusters of Ice
* 1 Seal of Loyalty
* 7 Seal of Enmity
Reiden also made a fantastic showing in the recent ProBowl V. Completing 15 of the 25 competitions with 4 first place finishes. Between personal engagement and his competitive spirit he has the full package we want in our members!
Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, 2021-10-23 04:03:53 UTC
- Additional reasons
There's no question when it comes to Reiden's devotion and determination in CSP. Having been an amazing and active RM since he joined the summit while continuing to encourage others through word and example, Reiden has continued to show what it means to be part of this clan. The aforementioned metrics are evidence of his activity in the clan and DJB, and his participation in the Probowl was just another cherry added to the top for our beloved Puzzlemaster. I am more than happy to see him awarded once more for his efforts. Congrats on your steel cross, Reiden! Well earned!
Blade Mistress Shadow Nighthunter, 2021-10-23 04:03:08 UTC
- Event ID
- 264035
- Award
- Steel Cross
- Quantity
- 1
Non-site XP
- Requested by
- Thran Occasus-Palpatine
- Primary reason
The number of years I have known Reiden spans decades. I remember his fresh face coming to Clan Scholae Palatinae. I remember being loud and doing all manners of shenaniganery, Reiden saw it all. Reiden has been a member of CSP since some of our members were in diapers. That's not even hyperbole. Though things haven't always been perfect and we haven't always seen eye to eye, Reiden is still at it.
Fast forwards a few years. Reiden is now an Elder. Boy howdy, things have changed since the way they used to be. The DB is like a completely different world. Still not perfect, but slightly improved. Though he may not believe it, he did work very hard to get there. 99% of that I will chalk up to his tenaciousness. He might even have me beat in that department, which is certainly cause for some alarm. I think he may even have an old quote that goes something to that effect. The other 1% is the puzzles. We all know it's the heart that counts.
I am giving this medal to Reiden solely based on his not subject to interpretation, tangible and measurable contribution to CSP since his medal. Since his last medal, Reiden has participated in 18 competitions, participated in 3 RPs, racking up 10k words, recieving 9 Crescents and 23 Clusters of Ice. These events alone are enough to merit a Steel Cross. By the numbers that's 1516 XP since January. I know he's slowed down a bit, but even still Reiden is managing to put up some good participation stats.
On a personal note, Reiden, you've climbed the mountain and you're right up near the peak. When you get up that high, hard to see that each of those little steps you've made have all amounted to a long journey. Though you may feel like you haven't travelled far, remember that it was all of those little steps that got you to where you are now. This medal is just another little step. And though the very top of that mountain might be out of reach, try to remember that where you are now once felt miles away to a younger you, who would often witness a younger me scream into the nothingness of an empty Clan chat after midnight.
Thank you for being a steadfast member of Clan Scholae Palatinae. I appreciate you!
Thran Occasus-Palpatine, 2024-04-07 02:45:43 UTC