Steel Cross events for Lord Marick Tyris Arconae

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Driftan Housan
Primary reason

Marick (Wally) has been a stalwart of activity and leadership within Arcona for some time now. He is a constant presence on IRC for the House, providing both stability and a good sense of humor for the members to rally around. He is loyal to the core when it comes to Arcona, and has been a joy to work with over the months.

The biggest reason I think Wally deserves this medal is because of his dedication and loyalty to his Battleteam. When given the opportunity to become the Aedile of House Qel-Droma he instead decided to continue to faithfully lead his beloved Battleteam, Oblivion Brigade. Through constant work he has made created a fictional background for the team that is stellar and has created an active roster of members that I can see one day rivaling the heroes of Arcona in Soulfire.

Wally is diligent in keeping in touch with his members, fostering an environment that keeps people around, creating opportunities for them to be active through projects and competitions, and being a very helpful voice to the Summit of Arcona. It is my hope that this medal is a small measure of our appreciation for you, Wally, and I look forward to seeing how you continue to excel into the future.

~SW Driftan Housan, Aedile

Driftan Housan, 2010-09-08 16:19:43 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

The Combat Master of the Dark Brotherhood is a difficult and demanding job. It is also, typically, a thankless job. Wally has handled some of our largest and most thorough ACC updates in the history of the Dark Brotherhood. He has accomplished this while also running two of our largest ACC competitions in recent memory. Wally is one of those unique members who simply executes the work he is assigned or the work he wants to create for our members.

thanks waldo.

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2015-12-26 03:07:17 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Terran Koul
Primary reason

Though Marick was just awarded a Steel Cross for his work as Combat Master and a Dark Cross for his assistance with the ACE Piloting Initiative, as well as an Amethyst Kukri in September for his work on CS 2.0, I want to take a few minutes to talk about his personal activity as a member of House Qel-Droma.

In addition to his many duties to the Brotherhood, he still manages to find time to be one of the most active members of Arcona. Since being awarded an Emerald Dagger in February, he has competed in 51 competitions, earning 17 Crescents. In that same time, he has garnered three Pendants of Blood, 68 Clusters of Fire, 178 Clusters of Earth and 30 Clusters of Ice.

By any metric, Marick would be a highly active member. The fact that he can manage so much personal activity in addition to his job as Combat Master and work for the Voice is nothing short of astounding.

For his enviable level of activity and his ongoing dedication to House and Clan, I’m happy to recommend that Marick be awarded the Steel Cross.

  • Terran Koul, Aedile, House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona

Terran Koul, 2015-12-28 01:29:03 UTC