Steel Cross events for Inarya Tiberius Entar

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
Primary reason

I am honoured to be recommending this Steel Cross for Inarya. Her hard work over the past few weeks and participation in the feud has counted towards the overall level of activity that this event has produced. Following on from Horizons, this feud brought random teams to work together, instantly we saw Inarya keeping in touch with her team and pushing the members of it to work as a unit showing the core of what this whole event was about. As if her level of participation wasn’t enough alone, she has herself been a valuable member in helping House Galeres bring up its activity as a whole, being one of the members at the forefront of this and helping the House to achieve a high level of activity in this feud. For all of her time and effort she has put in to Arcona, Galeres and the Horizon follow on Feud I am proud to be rewarding her with a Steel Cross. Congratulations Inarya, keep up the hard work.

Cethgus Tiberus Entar Aedile of House Galeres.

During the Arcona/Plagueis Beyond the Horizon event Inarya participated in seven of the competitions, earning a Crescent with Amethyst Star for placing 3rd in the ID Scan event. In addition to the ID Scan she submitted entries for the Week 1 Fiction, Week 1 Graphics, Week 1 Gaming (QWOP), Week 1 and Week 2 Trivia events, and participated in the Run On with her team. Inarya led her Team in the Event with total points earned, setting the example with her level of participation and while pushing other Team Members to press on with the Event.

I am proud to recommend that she receives a Steel Cross for her efforts during this Event. Congratulations Inarya!

-Valhavoc Sergeant, Dark Forge Battleteam House Galeres of Clan Arcona

As Cethgus and Valhavoc so eloquently put it, Inarya has been a source of encouragement for members of both Arcona AND Plagueis during the recent feud between the two units. She went out of her way to encourage her team mates, all the while she was putting out entries and doing uni work. Inarya did recently return from a bout of inactivity and I'm pleased to see her return to form through 'Beyond the Horizons' and show a glimpse of the potential she has a member of Galeres. Congratulations on your Steel Cross, Inarya.

Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar Quaestor of House Galeres

Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar, 2013-01-01 16:16:41 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

Inarya can often get mistakenly grouped with Cethgus (a fate few deserve) for obvious reasons. However, Inarya is a member of the Brotherhood in her own right, and does well in showing her abilities as a member of Arcona. Her drawings were a huge benefit to the Arcona Dark Crusade Wiki Articles, helping her secure 4 novae, including 1 gold and 1 silver. She hit on 13/31 events despite a busy school schedule that took up most of her time, and was always present and available to help her fellow members out. She has been a great help to Dark Forge as it has developed as a team in Arcona, and Inarya has more than earned a Steal Cross. Congratulations, Ina :).

Consul of Clan Arcona

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2013-12-05 04:09:09 UTC
Additional reasons

Inarya swept through the majority of the Dark Crusade before real life got a hold of her. She snagged herself a gold nova on Svolten for the run on competition, a silver on Krayiss II for the wiki, and a pair of bronze novae; one on Svolten for the Infectious Madness fiction, and another on Kalsunor for the Battle Plan.

She's also been extremely active in gaming, especially on the Old Republic guild, running Operations and Flashpoints with the guild on a regular basis, racking up nearly one hundred Clusters of Fire in the last month alone. As the resident gamer of Dark Forge, and for her hard work during the Crusade, I'm happy to award Inarya with an Steel Cross.

Battleteam Leader of Dark Forge

General Stres'tron'garmis, 2013-12-05 04:08:04 UTC

Few members are as stable or dedicated as Inarya. She’s been nothing but a brilliant comrade and sister-in-arms in all the time I’ve known her. Throughout the Crusade, she was a constant presence of activity, mentorship, and support; and even when, as it always tends to, her life got a bit busy for competitions, she was still always there for her fellow clanmates. Specifically, she aided her Clan in the Crusade in her participation in fourteen unique events, spanning planets and months of time. Her efforts not only earned her several Novae, but placed her in the top twenty for standing within the Clan. Yet perhaps more importantly than her strict participation was her advances in motivating her teammates to engage as well. Inarya has been an energetic and encouraging member of Dark Forge for about nine months now, and in that time, she’s always pushed her teammates and lead by example. Whether it was putting together a team for the Vendetta Run-Ons, being present and actively interacting on IRC, or responding to emails, she was always vocal in her inspiration of her fellow Battleteam members, as well as her fellow clanmates and friends around the Brotherhood. Furthermore, she had a hand in nurturing her Clan’s future and taking on the role of a teacher during the Crusade: in these last months, she took on three different students, and guided one to Dark Jedi Knight as the war raged around them; and even then, she still offered help to all Arcona’s young ones that needed advice, myself included. Between her additions to Arcona’s prosperous Crusade run and her general rallying of her brethren, Inarya’s achievements are simply outstanding.

Let it never be said that Inarya does not represent this brotherhood’s spirit, because nothing could be further from the truth. She fought for Arcona in the Vendetta, took many journeymen under her wing when they needed guidance, and continued to bolster the clan in any way that she could. While notable for her gaming activity, there’s so much more, and not enough can be said for her contributions. I can only hope this award shows our appreciation.

Congratulations on the Steel Cross, Sarah. You’ve earned it and more. Keep going, because I have no doubt you’ll go far.

Aedile of House Galeres

Master Ruka Tenbriss Ya-ir, 2013-12-05 04:08:40 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Qor Kith
Primary reason

Since Inarya was appointed to the position of Aedile, her momentum in working on this House never slips or slows down. She tirelessly strives to make this community a better place for everyone by either working her hands behind the scenes or striking out to the public with enjoyable events. For me, I believe Inarya deserves this award and I’ll show you why.

As an active member of House Shar Dakhan, Inarya enjoys competition and rivalry between her Clan brothers and sisters by participating in six competitions and placing in two of them. Inarya also enjoys battling others in the ACC and has earned a Cluster of Ice for doing so. Inarya has always been a strong gamer, as she learns from the best in Naga Sadow and earned herself seventeen Clusters of Fire in the process. Inarya has also been a mentor to a rising Journeyman, a teacher that her student could rely on for DJB lessons, hints and tips. Her effort was rewarded when Marcus reached knighthood and she received her Scroll of the Master. But this is only the tip of what Inarya is capable of.

When Inarya and myself were appointed, she sat down and progressed through the entirety of the wikipedia pages that Shar Dakhan managed, proofed each article and re-wrote the pages to higher standards. Some of these examples include House Shar Dakhan wiki, Aeotheran descriptions and our latest project The Lion’s Tooth. She also was mostly responsible for the management and structure of the House event, What Lies Beneath. This is where she delivered a structured timetable, accommodated a diversity of competitions and stayed at the forefront of the weekly Runon competitions. Inarya throughout her position as Aedile is always at arms length from myself and the summit, should anyone ever need her.

Inarya, please accept this from myself as a way of saying thank you. For enduring through the struggles of House leadership, and for keeping us at our best. Congratulations.

Quaestor of Shar Dakhan

Qor Kith, 2015-06-11 22:53:43 UTC