Sapphire Blade events for Marcus Kiriyu

Sapphire Blade events
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
General Daniel Stephens
Primary reason

Jax Bendal, further referenced as Marcus since I'm old and don't like new names. 

For my initial year as Headmaster, Marcus was the rock in the storm. Without him, the Academy would have probably never gotten much done. While I was an experienced leader, I was lost at leading such a huge and involved staff with members ranging from ordinary members to Dark Councillors and Star Chamber members. I leaned heavily on his advice, and more than once on his calming demeanor while dealing with some of the difficult problems that face being a DCer.

While Marcus was my first Praetor, I wasn't his first Headmaster. Marcus once again stepped into the role of Praetor for someone who had a vision for the Academy but lacked all organizational skills. As each project, moved from planning to implementation, Marcus would assign portions to our Magistrates or PROF's as needed. An excellent example of this is when planning for the SAS revamp he called upon our Magistrates to help build and formulate the proposal document. His involvement was building the background for the bottom tiers, deciding proposed awards for the higher tiers, and putting the background together of what they were used for. He was also a key player in helping to work on the future of the Writing department and our overall goal of changes that are working on being made. 

Within the scope of his Praetor position, he also worked on the various reported issues with courses via the SA Error Form. This ensured that members received the proper information when taking our courses. He also worked with James on several occasions, with the first coming to mind where the website would automatically sync Jac as a PROF for any empty positions. He added in several of the Headmaster policies and posted them on the DJB wiki. Lastly, he worked on all of our auto-graded exams to change descriptions of Grey Jedi to Force Disciple. While this seems like a minor thing, this is something that covered 30 courses with details of varying degrees.

Finally, Marcus was the lead on yet another audit. While this one dragged on longer than anticipated, he built a system on Trello allowing our Magistrates to claim and work on each course as needed. This allowed our M's to work on courses without stepping on one another toes while allowing us to track who completed what and the work/time invested in each one. 

Congratulations Marcus and thank you for all the work and time you invested in our club!

General Daniel Stephens, 2020-04-29 17:11:56 UTC