Anteian Cross events for Rian Taldrya

Anteian Cross events
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya
Primary reason

Rian was a stellar posture amongst Taldryan's role in the Great Jedi War X, serving as Rollmaster of this great House in the prosses of being a highly-active member. Rian managed to snag himself 18 Seals of Decimation, in addition to his Gold and Bronze Novae. Rian is a true leader in the making, and it is my pleasure to serve as his superior in office, as well as a fellow member of Taldryan. Were it not for Rian or the effort he put forth this war in both events and the sort of "Rallying" he echoed across the mailing list, Taldryan would surely not have been in the position we are right now.

For being an extremely awesome asset to Taldryan and leading by example, a prime-factor and trait to a great leader, I request that Rian Aslar be awarded an Antein Cross on behalf of Taldryan, and on my word.

Keep it up man. You have a lot to learn, but you have also proven much. Well done, brother.

  • Quaestor of House Taldryan, Shaz'air Taldrya Exarch of the Obelisk order, PIN # 9193

Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya, 2011-11-05 23:54:17 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
Primary reason

Rian is a quiet hub of activity in Taldryan. If you aren't paying attention, you tend to miss all the activities he's done. Since his last recognition, he's participated in 26 competitions and managed to place in 12 of them. Yes, that's right, nearly 50% of the time. So, not only is he participating, but he's putting together quality entries.

He is also active in the clan Telegram channel, popping in to drop bombs of wisdom and wit (in his unique German fashion). He's also managed to haul in 14 Clusters of Ice!

For this steady presence and his quality of participation as well as the volume, I wish to award Rian with an Anteian Cross. Good work!

General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla, 2016-05-22 18:30:48 UTC
Additional reasons

The "future" activity is actually the 26th competition that doesn't yet show up when you manually count the competitions on his dossier. My understanding from Howie is that it's somewhere in the aether and hasn't yet been credited/approved as participation. So I can change the total participated to 25 if you want.

I added the DC as a "he's well-rounded" idea, not as a "he got a DC so he deserves an AC". That's why I didn't actually cite any of the work he did to get the DC to try to keep it more as a footnote rather than a supporting reason.

General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla, 2016-05-22 18:30:22 UTC