Emerald Dagger events for Rian Taldrya

Emerald Dagger events
Event ID
Emerald Dagger
Requested by
Lord Nevan Taelyan
Primary reason

Rian Taldrya stepped into the role of Consul of Taldryan twenty months ago, and has worked to build up the Clan fiction and backstory, provide opportunities for members and build community, and communicate and work to build a network of leaders for the Clan.

On the activity front, he has participated in over 200 different competitions during this time frame, truly leading by example as a mentor and being involved in what’s available in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Earning crescents, novae and hundreds of clusters for his effort as a member.

He also provided many opportunities as well, organizing 42 different competitions, many offering members of Clan Taldryan a means to participate and help shape the fictional identity and direction of the Clan and future. Innovatively trying to find ways to drive member engagement and create something fun and unique to build identity. This included the Caelus Chronicles, and many bits of fiction in an incredible amount of communication and reporting to members of the Clan. As well as an event run with Clan Scholae Palatinae.

For all his great work as a leader of the Clan consistently for so long, and effort to build opportunities for its members over this same time frame I want to recommend Rian be awarded an Emerald Dagger. Congratulations.

Lord Nevan Taelyan, 2019-09-23 03:41:51 UTC
Event ID
Emerald Dagger
Non-site XP
58385.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Lord Dacien Victae
Primary reason

Herald is an unusual job in this club, a specialist more akin to Seneschal than any other DC spot. It requires significant skill in making graphics, the ability to work collaboratively with the whole DC and the clans, and a great deal of project management and people skills. Since his last medal, Rian has kept his head down and focused on managing his staff and making art for the club. Among his graphical contributions are seven custom weapon skins, twelve warbanners, custom report graphics, images for the Children of Mortis dagger awarded after the last GJW, and 162 images for variations of five items launched in the 2022 Christmas release. He's kept the Herald staff moving forward and encouraged and mentored them.

His biggest single accomplishment in the last year is the launch of the new Warbanner template, which has been in the works for months. This overhaul streamlines and modernizes the Warbanner template and makes it possible to create Warbanners of higher quality and greater resolution than ever before. This was a major project for the Herald office, and I am happy to award this Emerald Dagger to Rian as a token of our appreciation!

Lord Dacien Victae, 2023-05-31 14:55:31 UTC
Additional reasons

Rian has been a great mentor and leader to myself and my fellow Herald staff during his time as our Herald. Whenever I need advice or assistance in completing a project, he is continuously providing his input as well as offering better ways and resources. His advice is always offered with patience and understanding as he will even create a whole file just to show what he is trying to describe.

Rian is simply just being a leader for the team in the best ways possible and serving on the staff has been a joy and pleasure.

Thank you for being our Herald.

Jael Chi'ra

Jael Valsi Chi'ra, 2023-05-29 18:09:34 UTC