Grand Cross events for Rian Taldrya

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Colonel Shanree Argentin
Primary reason

Rian joined us shortly after the GJW, and in those seven months, we've seen an explosive amount of activity from him. He is a prime example of what leaders look for in a member, and I can't wait to see more out of him in the future. ~CON Vodo Biask Taldrya

Wow.... Just... Wow.... Rian never fails to surprise me. His activity during the RoS was MORE then stellar, participating in more competitions than any other Ektrosian present during the Vendetta, and even managed to place in the first week. Since his arrival in Ektrosis he's shown nothing but kindness to everyone, and has a great drive to participate and be active. On IRC for most of the war, he was present when we had our UberSecret meetings about how we'd pwn everyone. Jokes. I can't think of another member that I would rather be writing a Grand Cross recommendation for than Rian: He has the drive to go big in this club, and I applaud his efforts with great enthusiasm. Keep at it Rian, Dark Jedi Knight is not far off! ~Anubis, AED of House Ektrosis

Rian Aslar: The Heart and Soul of Ektrosis activity in this great war against the Brotherhood’s many units. To start, Rian was not only a large presence on IRC, he was also the member who had the most entries. Starting with Graphics, Rian had submitted 3 awesome Graphics entries in week 1, 3 and 5: Wrote fictions for week 1, 4 (Off Week Event) and 5, wrote up a nice Poetry submission for week 4 (Off week as well) and competed in the ACC. All of the above events came to a total of 8, more than half of the average participation within the House, and among the top in the Clan. The name of the game was to put your best effort in for the House, the Clan and the Brotherhood, and Rian capitalized on this full-heatedly. Although the Off-Week events have not yet been graded, Rian has already placed in the Graphics event VS CSP with 3rd place, receiving a Bronze Nova and I am confident that won't be the only event he will place in.

Since even before the RoS, Jedi Hunter Rian Aslar has kept ahead of the tide in regards to activity within the Clan and House. His ideas of competitions and how he can further himself, his House and his Clan for the Brotherhood never ceasing. Already he has begun to show his qualities as a leader and a prominent member in the Clan, not only in ethic of activity but in the manner in which he carries himself on the House, Clan and Brotherhood channels of IRC as well as on the message boards and over email.

This Jedi Hunter is no mere Journeymen, for he is a true member of Taldryan. It will only be a matter of time before he exceeds the ranks as a Dark Jedi Knight and continues to move on towards his great Brotherhood carreer! Thank you so much for your help Rian, I am extremely happy to see you come so far in such a short time, and to have put so much effort in for Tal, giving us the spectacular place of 2nd among the entire Dark Jedi Brotherhood! Enjoy your Grand Cross of the Dark Side, you’ve earned it.

-Quaestor Shaz’air Taldrya Rathden

Templar of Ektrosis, Clan Taldryan

Colonel Shanree Argentin, 2010-02-16 12:16:26 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

Rian Aslar. By far one of the most active members Taldryan has to offer, he makes me happy to be a leader of Taldryan. Having served as Battle Team Leader under me once before, I know what kind of a drive he brings to the table; and it's an amazing one, at that. Rian participated in several events during the vendetta, bringing his Order that much closer to victory. He placed in a single event, earning himself a Silver Novae. Always out and about, it's rare that you will not be able to reach Rian via IRC or email. Even before Disorder took place, he recieved both a Ruby Crescent as well as an Emerald Crescent for placing in the 'Load the Can(n)ons!' events run by The Voice of the Brotherhood, Halcyon Taldrya. In my time as his Aedile (two seperate occasions actually), I've come to consider him a friend to me. Already, he is shaping up to be one of the finest leaders Taldryan has produced, and that will only grow in time as he reaches new heights. I believe it is rare for a Battle Team Leader to show the promise this Knight has. Keep up the great work Rian, both as a participant and a leader. You're a hell of an example.<br> Anubis Annedu, Aedile of House Taldryan, Tribune<br>

Now this guy here is where the real money is. Rian participated over the course of September in 2 Fiction competitions, Load the Cannons and Load the Cannons #2, each of which he placed in earning an Emerald Crescent and a Ruby Crescent for his outstanding work. Shortly afterward he came into the Vendetta Disorder swinging for a knockout. Participating in 7 total events Rian secured his spot as one of the most active members within Taldryan, placing 3rd place in one of those events to give himself a Silver Nova. <br> As if activity were not enough for Rian, he also performed his duties as Battleteam leader. Running competitions and emailing his members are mere second nature to him, and is something that every leader should be accustomed too, something that Rian capitalizes on without effort. Every member has rough spots when it comes to balancing real life efforts and the Brotherhood, most of which are the leaders. This member balances a hectic work schedule to come home and lead his Battleteam as if he had all of the time in the world; I feat only a true leader manages. <br> His ideas of leading by example on the battlefront are more than stellar, and I hope this award will help show the members in his BT exactly what a true leader should be like. I have remained stunned at just how productive Rian has remained, and I will not be surprised if he moves onto the Dark Council in the next few years. Rian, take this Grand Cross of the Dark Side from your Brothers and Sisters in Taldryan with open arms, you’ve earned it. <br> -Quaestor Shaz’air Taldrya

Darth Aeternus, 2010-11-07 14:17:25 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Dr. Rhylance
Primary reason

We are very lucky in Clan Taldryan to have a previous Consul step up to be a Quaestor during our rebuilding phase. Rian Taldrya has proven to be one of my best assets as Consul, and he has taken it upon himself to restructure his House, Ektrosis, to have a functional purpose in the overall story line of Taldryan. In his previous report Rian introduced the Sphere of Research and Intelligence (in short SRI), as well as several NPC characters to help flesh-out the story lines he is crafting.

Rian has proven himself to be a very active member within the Clan. Rian has been a member of the Herald office and he completed 3 courses. On the competition front, Rian created and co-organized 2 competitions, while participating in 56 more. He earned 29 crescents, 3 CF's, 28 CI's, 2 CG's, and 28 CE's.

I am hugely impressed by Rian's devotion to the Clan. He is a welcomed addition to our Summit, and I look forward to all that we can accomplish together. Thank you Rian for your service, and I am proud to award you a Grand Cross. Congratulations!

Dr. Rhylance, 2017-02-09 15:22:24 UTC
Additional reasons

Rian's fictional development in Ektrosis is helping drive forward Taldryan's future. Best Aiden has gone into detail on that, but I wanted to point out his leadership style. He leads by example, having participated in over 50 competitions since his last Merit award, and that has shown him rake in the Crescents in that same time. He shows up in fiction competitions, having earned well more CIs than any other cluster, which is a feat unto itself because he's been gaming in my competitions as well.

I'm very happy to recommend that Rian Taldrya be awarded a Grand Cross.

Master Alaris Jinn, 2017-02-09 05:29:26 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Dr. Rhylance
Primary reason

When it comes to leaders in Taldryan, no one is stronger than Rian Taldrya. He has proven time and time again that he is a real backbone within this Clan. His work ethic is unrelenting, and unyielding even when he finds himself incredibly busy outside of the club. This became all the more apparent to me when during the GJW I was forced to step back a bit due to surgery and Rian really rallied the Clan for Phase II. I am forever grateful to you Rian.

Since his last recognition, Rian has participated in 30 competitions including 18 during the GJW. Of those he placed in 9 of them earning 7 crescents and 2 Silver Nova! With his gaming and graphics activity Rian played 2 pvp matches and earned 2 CoF’s and 19 CoG’s. He also has completed 2 SA courses.

Rian has continued to excel as Quaestor of Ektrosis, his Houses most recent accomplishment being they contributed 94 of the 156 unique submissions to the GJW that Taldryan was responsible for. Rian is always communicating with his House and the rest of the Clan. He also is always striving to push forward, and has been hard at work developing the next Taldryan event to help develop the new Home System he created! Not only is Rian active within the Clan, but he has continued to serve as a Magistrate for the Herald.

Rian keeps consistent reports going out to his House, and to the Clan. He contacts all new members and pushes to incorporate them into the Clan in whatever fields of interest they are looking for. On telegram he is always part of or heading up conversations within the Clan chat and War chat, and even has shown himself to be involved in other DJB chats as well. He leads the current developments of Taldryan's and Ektrosis's story-lines and has put in an incredible amount of effort into building up the current threat to Taldryan's forces. To me personally Rian has been integral in keeping me on task as my life's grown far busier than when I started out as Consul.

Rian continues to prove to me that he is an integral figure within our Clan. He is respected for his achievements, and rightfully earned that respect. In the GJW Rian was named Champion of Clan Taldryan for his achievements and overall score. I look forward to seeing what comes next for Rian Taldrya, and I am honored to award him a Grand Cross! Congratulations Rian!

Dr. Rhylance, 2017-12-07 05:10:24 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Primary reason

Rian Taldrya has, once again, established himself as the predominant source of custom weapons in the Brotherhood since rejoining the staff in September of 2019. Since then, he has produced more total images for member use than any other member of my staff during my entire tenure as Herald, and he has done it in only five months. For our Rise of Skywalker/Mandalorian/Fallen Order release, Rian created three unique lightsaber designs from the Rise of Skywalker film and Fallen Order game, delivering a staggering 135 individual images combining style and color variations. He carried the weapon creation load for this release alone in its totality, ensuring that members would have the opportunity to have selector items inspired by the latest Star Wars content. Additionally, Rian has also completed 8 separate custom member requested weapons for member dossiers as well, working with 8 unique visions to ensure that the member's desires could appear on their dossier as well. I would like to thank him for his service to date with this recognition, and state how grateful I am for his contributions to my staff and the club at large.

Master Selika Roh di Plagia, 2020-02-17 04:03:03 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson
Primary reason

Rian, ever diligent, isn't the type to let his promotion to MASTER stop him. He's been active since his return, participating in a total of 25 competitions and earning the following awards;

Crescent with Amethyst Star x1

Crescent with Sapphire Star x2

Rian has also passed 14 SA exams and earned 2 degrees!

Congratulations on your Grand Cross, Rian! Thank you for all your hard work!

Combat Master "Aequitas" Anderson, 2024-05-10 12:52:10 UTC