Grand Cross events for Araxis Farron

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Fremoc Pepoi
Primary reason

Since becoming a member of my staff, Araxis has been doing a superb job. His job specifically is to focus on everything that is related to TOR, as well as keeping the DJB, and myself informed if I haven't found out about it already. Araxis is also constantly gaming, earning countless clusters of fire in the last week alone, by playing numerous matches against members of the DB. But more so, he is on the TOR forums every day, poking about making our presence known, as well as keeping our recruitment thread bumped to the first page. With being on the Staff, his duties are also focused on watching over #dbgaming and enforcing the Rites of Combat. On some days when I've been messing around with the Gaming servers, I have to ask him to go over the coding because there are times where I've broken something and he finds what I broke and fixes it. On some occasions he changes the settings as needed after I've asked him to because I don't want to break the servers. Most recently he has been tasked in creating the Resistance and Killzone Series' sections for the Rites of Combat since those two series are now supported by the DJB for the PS3. Finally Araxis has also been helping me with Project Retro and helping write the initial draft for it. Thanks for your work so far dude, and I'm glad that you are on my staff. Congrats on the GC. ~ OP Fremoc Pepoi Sadow, Fist of the Brotherhood, Son of Sadow

Fremoc Pepoi, 2011-02-09 09:37:45 UTC