Anteian Cross events for Teia Coran

Anteian Cross events
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Shadow Zebina
Primary reason

Teia provided invaluable input in regards to Cestus upcoming runon. Her fictional contributions have already been included in the preliminary outline and will be used. Additionally, her continual quest to learn and improve her writing in Tarentum's [Broken] RO has superceded what is expected of a journeyman (the storyline she is participating in finished up wonderfully). Lastly, her constant presence on IRC serves to maintain a constant link with her Master and she is acting as a great example for several new Journeymen. She participates in every competition she has access to and spends days researching and preparing for every Shadow Academy course before taking the exam. Both her house summit and clan summit appreciate her outstanding work thusfar.

Shadow Zebina, 2009-12-22 16:12:16 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Scion Tarentae
Primary reason

Teia has served faithfully as the first leader of her Battle Team, the Reckoners. It is not my custom to award medals on the eve of someone's resignation simply for the sake of awarding a medal, but on this occasion I do so because I have been remiss in giving recognition where it is long past overdue. Teia was given a difficult task at the outset: create something from nothing. She kept detailed records of the activity of her members. She created an elaborate and detailed work of fiction surrounding the creation of her team, and posted it all on the Wiki for posterity. She has been communicative with her Aedile and Quaestor. Most importantly, she has been a leader to her team and built them into a proud, active unit within House Kaerner. Thank you for all your hard work, Teia.

Scion Tarentae, 2010-05-26 23:26:05 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya
Primary reason

Every once and a while, a unit of the DB will come upon a great member, and you know that they will turn out to be something amazing. JH Teia Coran is like this. While the fact that she has participated in a total of 10 events during the Great Jedi War speaks for itself I want to mention her steady email presence during the GJW, where she encouraged others to participate. That for I'm proud to recommend the awarding of a Antein Cross to her. Congrats Teia! Keep up this awesome work!

OT Rian Aslar Rollmaster of Taldryan


For participation in the GJW X, her presence on IRC as well as continued activity within House Taldryan, it is with great pleasure I recommend Teia Coran for this Antein Cross. Congratulations and well done!

~Pontifex Ashia Kagan Keibatsu Aedile House Taldryan Magistrate to the Grand Master Magistrate to the VOICE  --

Teia has managed to impress me since she transfered into Taldryan, something that takes a lot to earn me being impressed. Her steady presence over the Taldryan mailing list and her IRC presence were great, her opinion stretching beyond that of standard-communication and even moving over to the Message Boards. It's one thing to just be a member on the roster and doing events, but it's something special to become known by having a true voice, and that is something Teia has done.

Standing in for Taldryan Teia participated in a total of 10 events in GJWX, a reliable feat that allowed Taldryan to palce 2nd overall in the Brotherhood. I am proud to have a member like Teia in our ranks, and I am even more proud to be on the Summit that will see her to knighted in the near-future.

For her dedication to her new-found home, I am pleased to request that Jedi Hunter Teia Coran be awarded an Antein Cross on behalf of Taldryan. Thank you for your hard work, Teia.

  • Shaz'air Taldrya, Quaestor of House Taldryan Exarch of the Obelisk Order, #9193

Inquisitor Shaz'air Taldrya, 2011-11-05 23:22:35 UTC