Grand Cross events for Warlord Furios Morega di Plagia

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

Furios is a well oiled machine of awesomeness one never worries about malfunctioning or breaking down. As a member, he proudly represented Clan Plagueis during the Fading Light ACC tournament and is without question one of the Dark Brotherhood’s most prolific TOR gamers and guild leaders, maintaining a near daily presence. As a leader, he is a role model and a beacon of activity and guidance. During the recent Plagueis house feud “Sphere of Influence,” Furios participated in nine of the eleven events while coordinating with his Quaestor, Teylas, to communicate with their house both as a group and individually. Their efforts paid off as House Ajunta Pall came away the victors of the feud. Finally, his clear, unbreakable drive to perform better and make himself as useful as possible has extended to the Fist office where he has gained a Magistrate position. All in all, Furios is one of those guys we can always rely upon. I’m glad to have him on our team and look forward to continuing to work together in the future ~ DA Aabsdu Dupar, Consul of Plagueis

Zanet Xox, 2014-07-21 04:09:03 UTC
Additional reasons

Since I took over Ajunta Pall, Furios has been my stalwart right hand man, as well as a companion in TOR (but I'm sure that'll be detailed by others here). As my Aedile he has been quick to do anything and everything I ask of him in a neatly and timely manner. He's also awesome serving as a person to bounce ideas off. On top of that, his participation in the recent Plagueis feud has been superb, placing in 4 of the events including first place in the Know Thy Enemy competition. On top of that, his gaming presence for both Plagueis and Ajunta Pall has been awesome, racking up dozens of Clusters of Fire. So glad to have someone like Furios as my Aedile and a staff member representative of Ajunta Pall and Plagueis.

Teylas Ramar, 2014-07-17 13:25:47 UTC

Watching Furios grow into his role as leadership has been an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Since taking on the post of Aedile of Ajunta Pall, Furios has been a sterling example of what a Summit member should be. He's kept up a rapid clip of activity; he's been available for contact on IRC (Especially at the later hours when other Summit members aren't around); he's nade sure to offer help and guidance to everyone in Plagueis, even those outside of his own House. Furios has become one of the leaders that exemplifies the sort of teamwork focused work ethic that Plagueis strives for. In addition, he's been a great facilitator for the Dark Brotherhood TOR guild. He's come up with plans to reinvigorate the guild as well as worked input from many others into those plans. His unselfish work there has carried him to the position of Magistrate in the Fist's office to compliment his work in Plagueis that elevated him to Aedile. He's a great leader that has earned this award several times over.

Master Selika Roh di Plagia, 2014-07-18 03:21:35 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Master Selika Roh di Plagia
Primary reason

Furios is by far one of the most valuable members of Plagueis, bar none. When I first took over as Quaestor, Furios was there to help get my feet under me and give me a lay of the land. He provided excellent feedback and suggestions during the planning of the Restoration event that was set to begin shortly thereafter, providing event format and competition suggestions that were used in the final event when it went live. Additionally, he inaugurated the "Better Know a Journeyman" feature in the House Ajunta Pall monthly reports. This ongoing report section highlights an interview with one of the House's Journeymen. Its goal is not only to better engage the member featured but to expose that member more to the unit as whole, contributing in a very concrete way to community building in the House. Even though we only overlapped a short while, I would not have been able to get things going as Quaestor as quickly and easily without him.

Once Restoration started, however, Furios really got things going. Over the course of the competition, he participated in fourteen of the total nineteen events possible. Half of those entries came during phase III, the house feud Restoration: Ascendant. Overall, he captured eight top three placements. During Restoration: Broken, he captured first place in puzzle, second place in both fiction and trivia, and third place in gaming, placing top three in all four possible events and finishing second overall. For Restoration: Building, he took second place in trivia and was fifth overall. During Restoration: Ascendant he earned first place in round 2 graphics and battleplan while nabbing third place in round 1 gaming, good for a total of 124 individual points and an overall fifth place finish. From start to finish, Furios brought an amazing level of activity and skill to the Restoration event and earned the second most top three placements across all three phases. All told he earned 8 competition crescents: 2 ruby, 1 amethyst, 4 sapphire, and 1 emerald. While he was doing this, Furios was also one of Ajunta Pall's most active gamers, earning 404 clusters of earth and making himself a regular in TOR raids.

Furios is an absolute bastion of activity, and neither House Ajunta Pall nor Clan Plagueis would be doing as well as they have over the last six months without his contributions. His continued presence, mentoring activity, zealous nature to succeed, and remarkable overall activity level show him to be very deserving of this award.

Master Selika Roh di Plagia, 2015-08-12 14:26:23 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
General Ronovi Tavisaen
Primary reason

Since his last recognition, Furios Morega has remained the impressive powerhouse of activity and leadership that we’ve grown to know him as. He has served as Quaestor of House Karness Muur for another nine months, posting 15 reports in total and co-organizing 10 events, several of them part of the overwhelmingly successful event, “Vacation on Dagobah,” held last January. This competition received over 300 unique submissions, with Furios organizing and running 6 events specifically in the container.

Furios’ own participation has been a marvel, as he truly exemplifies and models activity for the rest of his unit. Since his last recognition, he has earned 5 Clusters of Earth, 16 Clusters of Fire, 37 Clusters of Graphite, 2 Clusters of Ice, and 4 Pendants of Blood. During the Twelfth Great Jedi War, he participated in 18 individual events, attaining an equal amount of Seals of Wrath. He has also placed in several other DB-wide and Plagueis-wide events, winning 2 Crescents with Topaz Stars, 2 Crescents with Emerald Stars, 4 Crescents with Sapphire Stars, and 4 Crescents with Amethyst Stars. His dedication to the clan and his participation are worthy of accolades and praise.

Most recently, Furios co-organized, “Mysteries of Aliso,” running the Week 2 graphics event and participating in all the other 13 events provided. He also placed overwhelmingly in most events, achieving 3rd place four times, 2nd place five times, and 1st place one time. His contributions to the clan’s lore - creating an original Aliso location, two NPCs for both the Plagueis storyline and the Ascendant Legion and Fleet, and writing over 1,000 words of fiction and background for a potential conflict with the Collective - greatly benefited the clan summit’s goal of enhancing and adding to Plagueis’s environment and background.

His lore contributions do not end there, however. Before Laren Uscot resigned as Proconsul, Furios took the lead on what was familiarly called the “Plagueis Lore Drive,” collaborating with both house summits, the clan summit, and clan advisers on locations for ACC venues and Aliso. Working alongside Kelly and others on Telegram, he continued to expand on Karness Muur’s headquarters (the Korada Monastery), as well as assisted with structuring the entire format of the Mysteries of Aliso competition. It is safe to say that while “Mysteries of Aliso” was finalized by Arden and myself, Furios was the godfather of it, working with Laren to bring it into existence and helping to make it a reality.

Furios is a leader you constantly see on Telegram, inviting people to routine Skype calls (typically once a month, called the Quaestor Skype chat) and being an all-around enthusiastic and supportive individual. I have been fortunate to see how much he encourages his house members to participate, including but not limited to Zuser Whuloc. Despite Zuser not having a suitable computer to use for the competition, Furios encouraged him to do as much as he could during "Mysteries of Aliso," reminding him that every event counted. His individual outreach, combined with his efforts to inspire the clan as a whole, wound up making a difference, and Zuser wound up participating in 4 events, more than even he expected.

I can say with one hundred percent confidence that he has improved Plagueis as a whole with his healthy attitude, his activity level, and his drive to help other members. It is for this reason, and all reasons stated above, that I recommend Furios for a Grand Cross of the Dark Side.

Congratulations, Furios, and thank you.

General Ronovi Tavisaen, 2018-06-12 01:30:47 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
General Ronovi Tavisaen
Primary reason

Since his last recognition, Furios Morega di Plagia has kept himself very busy in Plagueis. Not only did he complete a total of 43 competitions - which earned him 1 Gold Nova, 3 Crescents with Ruby Stars, 1 Crescent with an Amethyst Star, 2 Crescents with an Emerald Star, 1 Pendant of Blood, 31 Clusters of Fire, 4 Clusters of Ice, and 19 Clusters of Graphite - but he also organized 7 competitions, most of which were included in the Plagueis event, "Vacation on Mustafar," last spring. Furios was a marvelous collaborator as we put together the competition, and it showed in our increase in participation.

During the latest war, Furios completed all the bins and earned 23 Seals of Discord. However, he wasn't just competing; he was also encouraging others to participate. Helping out members such as Azmodius, Furios was able to up our participation by being as inclusive as possible. His strong presence and cheerleading on Telegram also helped a great deal, as he proved time and time again why he had earned the di Plagia title: Because he is a strong, and sometimes unconventional, leader and mentor.

Furios is, by far, one of our most active regular members, and this helps keep the clan alive. He continues to organize and run competitions, more along the graphics side these days, and always talks about creating yet another addition to his Vacation series. He certainly deserves a Grand Cross in honor of his hard work, steadfast presence, and member support. Thank you, friend!

  • Ronovi Tavisaen

Dread Lord of Plagueis

General Ronovi Tavisaen, 2019-09-18 00:24:22 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
General Ronovi Tavisaen
Primary reason

Time and time again, Furios has proven to be a fiercely active member of Plagueis and an outstanding example for the di Plagia family. Since his last recognition in September of last year, he has organized one competition (“Blackmailed!”) and participated in 81 competitions, earning himself the following awards: Two Crescents with Diamond Stars, seven Crescents with Ruby Stars, seven Crescents with Amethyst Stars, eight Crescents with Sapphire Stars, six Crescents with Emerald Stars, two Crescents with Topaz Stars, 30 Clusters of Fire, nine Clusters of Ice, 71 Clusters of Earth, 35 Clusters of Graphite, and 16 Seals of Vision.

Furios continued his streak of completing all the bins for a Great Jedi War, and he participated in 28 out of 30 competitions for the latest Pro Bowl. He was praised for placing 1st overall in his Pro Bowl team, Team Lightning (ZRT), and 3rd overall in the entire Bowl. His ability to step up to the plate and do incredibly well is something to be admired.

It is for the reasons above that I would like to recommend Furios for a Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Congratulations!

~ Ronovi Tavisaen

Dread Lord of Clan Plagueis

General Ronovi Tavisaen, 2020-09-23 02:14:51 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
Nora Olen
Primary reason

Warlord Furios Morega di Plagia is an exceptional member whose dedication and contributions have greatly enriched the Plagueis community. Since his last medal, he has demonstrated remarkable commitment across various aspects of our operations. Through his active engagement, Furios has participated in 36 competitions, showcasing his determination and skill. His involvement extends to the gaming realm, where he has submitted 3 gaming activities, revealing his passion for interactive challenges.

Furios's prowess extends into the narrative domain as well, having triumphed in 1 ACC battle, a testament to his creativity and strategic thinking. His accomplishments are marked by a collection of awards, including 1 Crescent with Diamond Star, 4 Crescents with Ruby Star, 6 Crescents with Amethyst Star, 2 Crescents with Sapphire Star, 4 Crescents with Emerald Star, and an impressive 1 Topaz Star. His literary contributions have garnered recognition too, earning 4 Clusters of Ice, and his artistic endeavors have resulted in 8 Clusters of Graphite.

Notably, Furios has played a pivotal role in the recent Pro Bowl VII, contributing significantly to Plagueis' victory. His dedication to teamwork and excellence has left an indelible mark on our community. Through his consistent involvement and supportive engagement with fellow members, Furios exemplifies the spirit of leadership and camaraderie we hold dear. It is with the utmost enthusiasm that I recommend Warlord Furios Morega di Plagia for the esteemed honor of a Grand Cross, a recognition that truly reflects his exceptional contributions and commitment to Plagueis' success.

Nora Olen, 2023-08-23 00:00:31 UTC