Grand Cross events for Adept Xantros

Grand Cross events
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

Xantros is one hardworking dedicated BAMF. Whether it be his efforts in his time as Aedile or as a newly “retired” general member, he is full of ideas, passion, and a strong drive to make everything as incredible as they can be.

Xantros recently stepped down as Aedile here in HSP, leaving me not only having to find someone to replace his incredible work, but in the position of how I could possibly thank him for his efforts since his most deserved EQ2 promotion at the end of last year. While he would be the first to admit his RL responsibilities were what pulled him away from AED, his efforts in his last six months as AED were still full of the same effort, passion and drive he brought every day since first becoming AED in early 2013.

He came up with and began the first set of HSP debates, something I hope to see continued here, as I think they were incredibly fun and insightful into different issues and characters of Star Wars lore. He worked diligently along side myself to bring incredible new experiences to HSP something I never could have achieved by myself. He was always there to lend a voice, thought, radical new ideas, and insight to the house.

Since resigning, he hasn’t disappeared as a burn out. He participated in all of the LHC Antenora competitions, along with another three in the LHC Caina. On Antenora he placed in the fiction, battleplan and trivia events and on Caina he placed in the flash game event.

I am greatly honored to call Xantros a friend. It was a privilege to work along side him on the HSP summit, and it continues to be a privilege to see him continue on as a powerful member of the DJB. For his work I recommend he be awarded this Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Thank you Xantros for everything you’ve done to help me personally, the house, and the club. Congratulations!

Lord Idris Adenn, 2014-08-12 03:28:59 UTC
Additional reasons

Xantros, the number of projects he started as Aedile, that I was informed of when I assumed office, makes me wonder if he maybe shouldn’t be evaluated for insanity. His constant drive of ideas and passion to see Scholae Palatinae success was unending. I’m not sure there is really a way to quantify the impact he had on Scholae Palatinae during his time in office, or these past six months as Aedile before the recent transition, but his drive towards the future goals of the House and understanding of his position are something I strive to attain myself during my time in the position.

As I try and make sense of all his projects, consulting with him when I manage to catch him on IRC despite his terrible connection to undernet, I want to thank him for all he has done and will continue to do in the future for Scholae Palatinae. As a friend and still fellow Dark Jedi, I hope to continue to see him around in whatever capacity he can manage.

On top of his contributions as a leader over the past half year, and recent support in the transition, he still managed to participate in all 7 events of the Looking Home event on Antenora hitting up every single event, and even sending in 3 submission to the most recent Caina campaign.

Thank you for all the great times Xantros, and all that you’ve done for the House. For all this I recommend you be awarded a Grand Cross of the Dark Side, congratulations my friend.

Lord Evio Nezsa, 2014-08-11 23:31:06 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

To whom it may concern:

Everytime I get a chance to talk to Xantros on IRC, I am always amazed by the dozens of balls he has in the air. He juggles his time with some of the greatest control I've ever seen. In the last six months since his last merit award, he has continued to show his incredible dedication to this club and to Scholae Palatinae.

At the time of this writing Xantros has picked up 32 Clusters of Ice since his last merit (this number I'm sure will increase shortly as well). He has earned 23 different crescents from participation across 45 different competitions. These include great showings from the GJW, the HSP Looking Home Campaign, and the final of the Fading light rounds. His efforts on his GJW run-on team helped secure its 10th place finish.

Xantros is with out a doubt one of the most active and hard hitting members we have. As thanks for his amazing participation and work over the last six months, I recommend he be awarded this Grand Cross

Lord Idris Adenn, 2015-02-18 23:25:48 UTC
Additional reasons

Xantros is an endless well of ideas and thoughts, that if you're ever stuck and need help. You can just draw from the well and something will come out. It's resulted in bits and pieces of a bunch of amazing ideas that are still stirring around trying to manifest themselves as something even better. None of that gets at the 45 competitions he has done since his last award, of which 23 of those earned him crescents which is insanity. Or the 3 competitions he ran for, 2 DJB wide and 1 for Scholae. He does so much activity that you see in his dossier, and gains crescents, and is around so much and tossing out randomness. He certainly has done an extraordinary amount of activity and earned this Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Congratulations Xantros!

Lord Evio Nezsa, 2015-02-18 23:23:48 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Councillor Turel Sorenn
Primary reason

Lithar continues to be one of Satele Shan's most active members. He has participated in 34 competitions since his last recognition, and organized 1 of his own. A prolific writer, Lithar has earned 22 Clusters of Ice and 7 Crescents during this period. He passed 2 Shadow Academy courses as well.

Of course, some of Lithar's most valuable activity won't show up in an ID line. He is consistently one of the main voices in Clan, House, and BT chat and reliably generates activity across those channels. His most impressive feat during the last few months was the creation of a 41 page Leadership Training Programme for the Clan. In addition to spearheading this massive project, Lithar managed a small team of Xolarin and Edgar Drachen. As a secondary project, he also created a set of practice questions for those reading the handbook.

As Odan-Urr continues to grow as a Clan, we will continue to need a strong core of members with consistent activity and leadership experience. Lithar is certainly one of those members.

Alethia Archenksova
Quaestor, Satele Shan

Lithar continues to serve as a leader and model member from within the ranks. He is a consistent supporter of all our fiction competitions and a solid mentor to the Clan's aspiring writers. The leadership guide he completed will serve as a valuable resource for not only the rising leaders in Odan-Urr but throughout the entire Brotherhood. Please accept this small token of our gratitude for your continued service to the Clan.

Turel Sorenn
Consul, Clan Odan-Urr

Councillor Turel Sorenn, 2016-12-17 14:53:46 UTC
Additional reasons

In the last three months, Lithar Andaris has proven to be one of the House's and Battle Team's strongest and most active members.

He has participated in 34 competitions (earning 2 Ruby and 3 Amethyst Crescents), including creating one of his own. He has written almost 8500 words of fiction and completed an ACC match.

Not only has Lithar been active in competitions but he has also been very active on the Clan, House, and Battle Team Telegrams. He has been able to sustain this level of activity for over three months, which is usually the most anyone does before burning out. However Lithar seems to keep going, even now he is working on a submission for the "Tip of the Spear" Battle Team Competition.

It is my honor to recommend Lieutenant Colonel Lithar Andaris for this award for his continued excellence as a member of the Brotherhood and of Garza's Pathfinders.

Colonel Len Iode, 2016-12-17 14:53:31 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

Xantros has long been a member that has seemed to constantly defy expectations of activity, dedication, and drive for this club. Be it as a leader, a mentor, a member, or a friend, Xantros doesn’t slow down for a single second of his time here in the club. Since his most welcomed return to Scholae Palatinae, Xantros has already provided multiple documents outlining ideas for furthering DJK+ development, including contact letters to newly made Knights, an archived newsletter of recent competition submissions, and one on one trainings. He has further provided ideas in regards to helping all members more clearly develop their characters, and learn to craft better stories.

By the numbers, Xantros continues to prove to be a most active member, with 75 total competitions participated in since his last recognition, and a further 7 organized by himself. He has earned some 19 crescents, and over the course of 31 fiction activities written some 24,941 words! This doesnt even include all the other writing he has done, such as the above mentioned documents and guides.

Xantros is a member who very clearly loves this club a lot, and continues to spend day after day working to better it, and himself. I am incredibly glad to have Xantros around, and to call him a friend. Congratulations on the Grand Cross Xantros! Drinks are on you!

Xen’Mordin Palpatine
Consul of Scholae Palatinae

Lord Idris Adenn, 2017-04-18 20:45:57 UTC
Additional reasons

I am honored to recognize the achievement of Xantros today with a Grand Cross of the Dark Side. This medal holds great meaning in the recognition of a single member in service - and activity - to the club as a whole. And I am honored to present recommendations from both Odan-Urr and Scholae Palatinae towards that end today.

Since his last elevation, Xantros has participated in 72 competitions, organized 7 competitions, finished 4 ACC Battles, penned 31 Fiction Activities (24941 words!), posted 2 times in a run-on (554 words!), passed 3 Shadow Academy courses, and earned 1 Dark Side Degree. In that same time, he has collected a myriad of awards: 19 Crescents (3 Cr-R, 3 Cr-A, 8 Cr-S, 3 Cr-E, 1 Cr-T, 1 Cr-Q), 70 Clusters of Ice, and 4 Scroll of Foundation. And, arguably, been a consistent force for change and activity in House Excidium and Clan Scholae Palatinae. Already, he has presented several ideas to help shape the direction of both House and Clan and we are eager to see his continued activity and work in the coming months.

Your heart is truly invested in making our club a better place. Continue to be true to that and you will find all of the success you have ever wanted in this club. Thank you for everything!

Braecen Kaeth
Quaestor of Excidium

Braecen Kaeth, 2017-04-18 04:07:07 UTC

I am ecstatic for Xantros to receive a Grand Cross of the Dark Side ! Since his return to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, he has prepared and organized 7 competitions since January 1st for members to submit to, designed 2 workbooks chalk full of information (at least 10 pages each!) for members to utilize in developing writing skills, has offered to aid members and leaders wherever he can, and has also made himself more dedicated and committed to the clan by penning his every goal and focus for his role in the DJB down for the leaders. I’m so thankful to have gotten to know such a knowledgeable individual who is excited and more than eager to share his wealth of knowledge with every member he can. Way to go Xantros! Congratulations on your Grand Cross.

Alara Deathbane Quaestor of Excidium

Alara Deathbane, 2017-04-18 04:07:27 UTC

Lithar (Xantros) was an absolute pleasure to have in the Clan and a member I'm thankful for every day. He is an absolute fiction and ACC machine, I don't think a fiction competition runs in the clan without him submitting something to it. He's also one of the first to volunteer for a project or to welcome a new member into our Telegram channel. In short, Xantros continues to be a leader through his stellar example and made COU a better place just be being in it. Thank you for everything you do.

Turel Sorenn Consul, Clan Odan-Urr

Councillor Turel Sorenn, 2017-04-18 04:07:47 UTC

Lithar has been a wonderful help since I've arrived as Rollmaster to Odan-Urr. Despite being retired from the position of Rollmaster for some time, he has reached out to me on several occasions to provide advice, shared his ideas for possible additions to the New Praexum, and offered suggestions on member development for consideration by the Clan. In addition to his activity, this level of dedication to the Clan is commendable.

I believe that Lithar is more than deserving for this award. Congratz!

Zeltron Hugs and hands over a bottle of Rancor Tequila

Aurora “Aura” Ta’var

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2017-04-18 04:08:10 UTC

Lithar is one of those members who is always doing something, he participates consistently in competitions and if he doesn't find any of a certain ilk he will create one for the members around him. Braecen has already taken the liberty of displaying his stats and, as such, I'll not waste time by reiterating them, instead, I will point out that for the longest time Lithar has been a positive driving force of our Clan. His activity levels and positive attitude in the Clan’s telegram channel has inspired many members to engage and participate further within the Clan and that is something I am truly thankful for.

Congratulations on your Grand Cross, Lithar!

Mar Sûl, Proconsul of Clan Odan-Urr

Mar Sûl, 2017-04-18 04:08:45 UTC
Event ID
Grand Cross
Requested by
General Zentru'la
Primary reason

Xantros has participated in 86 competitions since his last recognition at the start of 2019, earning a silver nova, 3 ruby, 3 amethyst, 6 sapphire and 5 emerald crescents in the process. Xantros is active in all areas of the brotherhood, and has earned 6 clusters of grahpite, 18 of earth, 23 of ice and 136 of fire, as well as two pendants of blood.

For Xantros' raw activity numbers over the year, I'm happy to recommend him with this grand cross.



General Zentru'la, 2019-09-15 10:09:40 UTC