Steel Cross events for Darth Renatus

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Epis Locke Sonjie
Primary reason

Atra Ventus is a leader who exemplifies the motto of “leading from the front.” Prior to becoming Quaestor of House Shar Dakhan he was already very active. Then we made him Quaestor in the hopes a leadership position would slow him down and stop making the rest of us look bad. It didn’t work; he continues to make me blue with envy. Atra is still one of the most active members of the Clan.

Prior to becoming Quaestor, Atra was a highly active member. He participated in many competitons, as well as being very active on the TOR side of things. Atra exemplified his activity level by placing first in Clan Naga Sadow’s monthly activity tracking competition; Doom Train. He not only was one of the TOR guild’s most active members, but also completed Shadow Academy exams, continuously helped develop the Clan Runon, and entered various competitions. While blazing his way up the journeyman ranks on the way to Dark Jedi Knight, Atra also assisted with the wiki, updating articles such as the main Clan Naga Sadow article.

Upon becoming Quaestor, Atra quickly proved that he was ready for the position. He immediately launched into developing his House’s fiction and running competitions. Furthermore, Atra has reached out to the Sons of Sadow and begun planning a future feud with them all by himself, without any assistance. While doing this, he continued to be active in competitions and help developed the Clan Runon.

This leads to another area Atra excels in - communication. Atra is always available on IRC, Google Talk, Email, and Ventrilo. This makes him a very visible and accessible leader. He also helps his members and other newbies, using his own recent experiences to teach them. Finally, as outlined above, Atra is a leader who leads from the front, setting the example with his steady amount of activity.

For these reasons I would like to award Atra a Steel Cross for his dedicated service to the Clan and Dark Brotherhood, as well as his steady, high level of activity. Congratulations, Atra!

  • KP Locke Sonjie Consul of Clan Naga Sadow

Atra has always been the guy behind the scenes helping everyone out and just doing what needs to be done without expecting reward for it. He is a great Quaestor and has made my transition to RM smooth as silk. He has assisted several people with their writing skills so that they can participate in run ons, he has created spreadsheets to assist with tracking, he has really been an asset to the DJB and is more then deserving of a Steel Cross.

  • DJK Kalia Phoenyx Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos

Many a times there are people that become a leader within this organization and they do the bare minimum that is required and that’s enough for them. However there are those that come with a desire to see something great happen, they have this desire that they generally take it upon themselves to ensure its success. Atra Ventus is such a leader, since he stepped up to the plate to become HSDs Qua he has taken the torch and ran ahead with ideas, lately he has been a major part in planning the Clan vs. Sons feud that is slated to run in the next several weeks. Besides this he has personally to challenge people to best him in terms of activity, which is no small feat he enters as many competitions as he can and spends hours on the TOR server running flashpoints, dallies and weeklies with others helping them out and just to have fun as well. Atra shows the characteristics of a great leader; he wishes to see his house and clan succeed. For this reason, I wish to recommend Atra this Steel Cross as a token of our appreciation for the work we have seen and continue to see on a daily basis.

  • Exarch Teu Pepoi CNS Proconsul

Epis Locke Sonjie, 2012-05-11 20:27:47 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Epis Locke Sonjie
Primary reason

In the Summer Invasion feud, Atra Ventus entered nine total competitions, typing for the most overall. Furthermore, he made an impressive eight Runon posts, consistently leading the CNS Runon every week. He was also an integral part in keeping the plot all together, setting a great example for how a Summit member should behave during such an event. It’s safe to say that without Atra’s help, we may not have won the Runon event. Atra was also one of our only non-TOR gaming participants for the feud. He earned a total of seven Crescents and two Clusters of Ice for this event.

In addition to the Summer Invasion, Atra has recently obtained a Scroll of Foundation for mentoring Necronomicon to Dark Jedi Knight. He has also obtained an impressive amount of Clusters of Fire lately, as well as two Pendants of Blood.

For these reasons I would like to award Atra a Steel Cross. Congrats, Atra!

  • KP Locke Sonjie Consul of Clan Naga Sadow

Epis Locke Sonjie, 2012-09-20 14:47:28 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Epis Locke Sonjie
Primary reason

During Horizons, Atra participated in 13 events, the second most overall of CNS members! For this reason I would like to award him a Steel Cross.

Congrats, Atra! - KP Locke Sonjie

Epis Locke Sonjie, 2012-11-07 12:06:29 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

Atra flexes his muscles as both an ACC Judge and Magistrate to the Voice, so his contribution to the CS 2.0 project can almost be taken for granted as he’s been a staple of the team since it began. For CS 2.0 specifically, Atra contributed heavily to the Feats and Skills write ups, penning the initial and revised trees for Lore, Investigation, Manipulation, Diplomacy, and Pilot (L). He created feats for Suppression as well as weighed in on multiple other feats with mechanical insight. He also helped with write ups for Kel Dor, Epicanthix, and Falleen while being engaged in almost any discussion on Telegram or the Email Group. He has also stepped up with answering questions for me on the CS 2.0 Questions thread, and updating the Q&A. Thank you for the hard work, Brometheus. I appreciate it.

Combat Master

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2015-08-27 02:58:44 UTC