Thane possess a towering form that stands above average for his species. His shoulders are broad with a broad chest that drops to a more slender waist. His body is conditioned and fit, while his faintly golden skin is so pale that it appears to glow when reflecting moonlight. His entire back and right arm are covered in burn scars that creep over his shoulder onto his chest, adding to the battle scars that mar the rest of his flesh in a crisscrossed tapestry. Notably, a vicious scar passes across his torso from his left shoulder towards his right hip, accompanied by the faded remnants of a slash through his right side. There is also a faded scar running through the outer edge of his left eyebrow and down his cheek. His dark grey and nearly black two-tone hair is kept short at the sides, undercutting a medium-length, messy, side-swept style on top, while he has thinly trimmed facial hair in the form of a full beard. He possesses sharp cheekbones while the rest of his face has a soft almost sad quality to it. When he speaks, he does so with a noticeable lilting accent.
He carries himself casually, with a lightness that stands at odds with the visible muscle structure of his body. The sclera and iris of his eyes are black, while golden flakes around his pupil form a starburst pattern. The paleness of his features, framed by his dark hair, offer a stark contrast.
Atra, having become numb to the chaos of the galaxy, views death with a singular emotion: regret. It is something completely avoidable had he the power to bring it all back into balance. Believing that he is somehow above it all, Ventus assumed a self-given role standing in the darkness as a sort of arbiter, shepherding the lost across the veil. If they must die, he seeks to be a cold comfort that welcomes them, granting them a reprieve from fear and pain. He believes himself to be understanding of the cruelty that leads to the inevitable passing of all that lives and is sorry for every life he cannot save.
He holds a steadfast belief that all who are born into the light will live forever within the dark. Within his world. But others see such belief as the delusions of a killer, irredeemable in his convictions.
Atra is consumed by a desire to avoid mistakes—not just his own but those who could walk the same path—and it is the power to do so that he seeks. What greater power is there than knowledge? To this end, Ventus seeks out and studies the artifacts and rituals of the past. He believes that by understanding the strengths and missteps already discovered he'll be able to carve a path to rise above them. Atra even rebels against the absolute of 'good or evil', finding lessons to be learned in both. All that matters is girding himself with the tools to impact the future and pass them on to those worthy of it.
But his vision is perhaps cast too wide. With such far-reaching desires and studies, he can't help but treat the people and events of the present with apathy and a measure of unintentional disregard.
Despite his penchant for a reserved persona, Renatus possesses a dry wit that is put into play through the skillful application of sarcasm. He isn't one for monologues, tending to say what he means in as few words as possible. Still, he often spares a few more than he would otherwise for the deadpan delivery of a sarcastic remark. These comments can often be quick or unexpected, falling on his Perception and Intelligence to tailor towards the people he's around.
As well, this aspect of his personality betrays a complete confidence in his abilities. Even in the most critical of moments, he will manage to ply his wit as if it were just another weapon in his arsenal. Even knowing his humor can rub others the wrong way, he can't keep from smirking when particularly pleased with a line.
Renatus wears the ravages of time like a heavy weight upon his mind. It has left him weary and withdrawn. It is this very quality that affords Renatus the ability to face others with a calm sort of kindness. It is a practical, measured approach rooted deeply in an acceptance of the darkest parts of himself. He remains restrained and views others the same no matter their status, because it is quite literally meaningless to him. All struggles hold the same weight. Every hope, goal, and desire. It is merely yet another existence seeking its own ends. Why bother to differentiate?
However, when everyone is the same, what value could they have? His cold detachment lies underneath the kindness he offers, affording it no warmth. Yet, it is not a false kindness. This duality can make others uncomfortable, even inciting anger in those that demand a more measured view.
Renatus has learned to accept the power he once abhorred. In embracing it, he has cultivated a technique of combat that combines physical ability with the metaphysical likes of telekinesis and even using lightning for fatal strikes or emergency defense. Renatus's method is to remain in a centralized space, moving only as much as he has to in order to avoid attacks while using the world around him as his weapon. He'll bring in debris—even creating it when not freely available—to block and strike his targets while personally striking those who get close—though he'd prefer to never let them do so. When facing difficulty, Renatus will use his lightsabers instead of debris.
This heavy focus on the Force allows him to stand as a powerful foe, but he will tire quickly against ever greater numbers of combatants and is at risk of succumbing to those who can outlast him.
Renatus knows that most battles are lost long before the final blow. It is something he seeks to leverage at all times. He values an opponent's thoughts and reactions as much as their combat ability, putting pressure on them verbally to gather more information. He turns them into a puzzle to be solved. Combat itself becomes secondary to this mental war, and he won't hesitate to settle into a lull in favor of what he considers to be the more important battlefront.
While understanding and, potentially, breaking another person mentally is a reliable method, no two individuals function the same. It's a tightrope between tipping matters in his own favor or sending things off the deep end. A foe could be built up just as easily as they're torn down. Perhaps they're afflicted by a madness that makes such efforts just a waste of time. Still, one should always try.
Master (+5) | |
Adept (+4) | |
Proficient (+3) | |
Trained (+2) | |
Learned (+1) | |
Mediocre (+0) |
Master (+5) | |
Adept (+4) | |
Disciple (+3) | |
Studied (+2) | |
Initiate (+1) |
Languages |
Lore |
Primary Martial Art | Sliding Hands |
Secondary Martial Art | None |
Primary Lightsaber Form | Form VII (Vaapad) |
Secondary Lightsaber Form | None |