Amethyst Kukri events for Captain Aryn "Jade" Erinos-Magnuri

Amethyst Kukri events
Event ID
Amethyst Kukri
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
Hand of the Emperor Korvyn
Primary reason

Colonel Alexsandyr "Celevon" Silvertongue Blackwölfe has reached the required 11533 Medal XP to earn their first Amethyst Kukri!.

Hand of the Emperor Korvyn, 2023-02-02 03:19:24 UTC
Event ID
Amethyst Kukri
Non-site XP
4000 XP
Requested by
High Councillor Masahiro Haku
Primary reason

There's a lot to say about Aryn, or as we've all known them for years now, Celevon, from the things he's done for the Clan, the new faces he's taken under his wings (officially or otherwise), as he has helped train the newer members of Odan-Urr over the list year, coupled with the amount of engagement he's delivered, driving activity numbers up throughout the Clan as he's pushed for others to do the same. Celevon has made sure that no singular feat stood above the others as he worked to drive Odan-Urr to a better standing through each of these various points. There hasn't been a day without him chiming in on Discord, pointing out something to the newer members or making idle banter to keep morale and activity up, throwing down the gauntlet in some activity or another, often challenging someone else along the way to take part, and jumping into any and every roleplay that shows up, showing out and making sure his rogue's gallery of characters make their lasting impact on the continued history of Odan-Urr (and they've certainly left an impact). Day in and out he has made continued improvements to the quality of members around himself, even if by something as simple as assuring our new members about the accessibility of our systems and joining other known quantities such as Tarvitz, Edgar, and Jack in teaching the history and lore of the Clan and Club as a whole. Celevon's efforts have been strongest through soft-spoken, subtle, and quite often behind-the-scenes interactions as he's handled new members, fielded questions and concerns, and come to members of the Summit to discuss concerns brought forward or potential story beats, hooks, or narratives that coincided with moments of our Clans history, or other recent events from extant factions in The Brotherhood I may have missed in my long absence from the Club.

You've earned this, ever onwards, Cel!

High Councillor Masahiro Haku, 2025-02-18 17:20:15 UTC
Additional reasons

What can be said about our very own Captain Aryn AKA Celevon? From an active member always ready to pitch in, have some fun within the discord chats and share a hearty laugh. To being willing and happily volunteering to assist those who might need a helping hand, be they veteran members or part of our new recruits you can find Celevon embodying the spirit of friendship and competition.

That competitive spirit fuels them indeed as there’s no stopping their activity with active participation in gaming, roleplaying totalling 16,269 words over 12 session and the occasional fiction writer with 4,464 words within their 6 entries, you’ll certainly find Celevon keeping everyone on their toes!

Asani Armis, 2025-02-16 05:32:30 UTC