Anteian Cross events for Jorm (The Jester) Na'trej

Anteian Cross events
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

Jorm jumped right back into the thick of it in his return from rogues. Since reaching DJK in July, Jorm hasn’t let his foot off the gas. He organized a mini clan event to follow up on the House Feud, and has also gone on to participate in a total of 14 Competitions, earning him 1 Diamond, 2 Amethyst, 3 Sapphire, and 1 Quartz Star! He has also pulled in 56 CFs, 14 CEs, 1 PoB, 10 CI, and 1 Legion of the Scholar. He has also succeeded in bringing back some other former members to the fold. I couldn’t be more thrilled with how awesome Jorm has been, and for that I recommend he be awarded this Anteian Cross. Congratulations!

Lord Idris Adenn, 2015-10-10 04:21:45 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Lord Idris Adenn
Primary reason

Jorm, our crazy Jester, is a hard hitting, energy giver here in Scholae Palatinae. To his frequent in depth discussions on Telegram, to his talented and wide array of competition submissions, Jorm is a member we are always so glad to have around. Since his last recognition, Jorm has competed in 14 competitions, 10 of which were for our recent feud against Naga Sadow. There he took home victory in multiple events, having netted 2 Diamond Stars, 3 Ruby Stars, and an Emerald Star. Additionally he has earned 14 Clusters of Fire, and 7 Clusters of ice.

As thanks for helping push CSP to victory, and for being a kickass and active member, I recommend Jorm be awarded this Anteian Cross. Congratulations!

Lord Idris Adenn, 2016-08-18 02:00:04 UTC
Additional reasons

Jorm will probably use this merit award to turn it into a thermal detonator... but that's exactly what we expect of him. He's a guy who always keeps pushing forward and has shown persistence, talent and initiative during the past months and the feud.

One of our most active members, we can always count on him when something is needed. I have more than once felt in need to create certain modification on some wiki article or use his encyclopedic knowledge on Star Wars vehicles to write something, and he was always there. In a way, I think he lives with a datapad attached to his arm in real life and an explosive in his opposite hand. If someone deserves an award, that is Jorm!

Good one Jormie, keep' em coming!

Rosh Nyine, 2016-08-17 13:24:39 UTC

Jorm Na'Trej is a member in the house that is full of character. I left out the Jester there because of the various conversations that could be had with Jorm. From star wars canon ships to Cantina stories that Jorm runs into, his presence always brings more interest and camaraderie into a discussion. I could say like a teacher, that he is a pleasure to have in class but he is much more than that. Jorm has always been and continues to be an active member of the house, participating in everything that he possibly can. He has earned eleven crescents for his participation and his drive has not stopped nor do I think it will.

Jorm is a powerhouse member that is always there to both help in every way possible as well as joke around when members need to brighten the day. He is a one of kind character in this house and am glad he continues to be a part of it. Congratulations Jorm!

Lucyeth, 2016-08-17 03:29:37 UTC

Jorm is a member I've had the privilege of working closely with during the house feud, as he was on my team for both the battleplan and the multimedia event, of which we won both. Jorm is always active on Telegram and always willing to jump into in depth discussions. Jorm is often highly critical and willing to point out flaws and areas for improvement, but only when these are valid. During our multimedia, Jorm pointed out many issues with my animation and story that I completely missed, and it would not have been such a high quality of work without him. Our battleplan submission was primarily his ideas and writing. Jorm may occasionally come off as abrasive in his criticism but it's always said to help, and that sort of differing opinion is extremely valuable, and we're lucky to have Jorm around, for helping us all to improve our own work while providing high quality competition submissions himself.


General Zentru'la, 2016-08-17 08:32:10 UTC

You don’t get more active and present than this guy. From his insightful discussions on Telegram to his great efforts in the Shattered Ties vendetta, he is a hoot and an important member of CSP. He possesses a wide array of skills that allowed him to net several competition placements, and made him an important player in the aforementioned feud. This is the best kind of member you want to have in your clan.

Thank you for all your efforts! Keep at it. And bring me some pizza!

Congratulations Jorm!

, 2016-08-18 00:22:35 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
Aurora "Aura" Ta'var
Primary reason

Jorm Na’trej has been a wonderful help to me over the last 3 months, during which he was a major contributor to two House Excidium projects: Fleet Project and the Wiki Project. His steadfast support in helping its Quaestor push the house forward has been crucial to both projects.

First off we have the Fleet Project, where Jorm was one of the key participants from the very beginning, and became one of the original authors of a 16 page ‘Excidium Order of Battle’ that was submitted to the Clan Summit in December to help inform Fleet purchases for the House. That wasn’t accepted as is, and thankfully he was willing to help revamp Excidium Fleet’s fictional story, assist in creating a new purpose for some of its ships, help create its cosmetics look, create a training plan for the Fleet, and create revamped ship formations. This was a sustained effort over three months that involved a great deal of discussion. In addition, he co-authored a 12 page ‘CSP Alternate Order of Battle’ for consideration by the Clan.

Secondly, when it came time to write a new wiki page for Excidium, he assisted in writing content for a number of its sections. These principally included its Origins, some of its Organization (along with a witty quote), the entirety of its Common Assignments Descriptions (along with a Canon Example), the entire House Dominion, and some of the Fleet section (some ship purposes details, ship formations, and training). In total, this was a decent chunk of Excidium’s wiki page. In addition, he was readily available as a reviewer for the other sections, offering comments and suggestions that were greatly appreciated.

As Excidium’s Quaestor, I eternally grateful for his crucial additions to Excidium’s future, and as such I am recommending him for a Anteian Cross. Fleet and wiki work requires a lot of detailed thought and it doesn’t get as much attention as it should. His active support has been amazing and I believe he has earned this award. Therefore, I am pleased to recommend that Jorm Na’trej be awarded a Anteian Cross with the deepest gratitude I can muster.

Aurora "Aura" Ta'var, 2017-02-10 00:16:21 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson
Primary reason

Ah, yes. Jorm Na'trej... where do I start?

Jorm is one of those members that doesn't shy from giving his opinion, in a good way. This is evident by his contributions to the discussions within the Taldryan Story Group, where he suggests, advises and offers criticism and ideas for upcoming Taldryan storylines.

In terms of competitions, Jorm has participated in 24 and has earned the following awards;

Crescent with Amethyst Star x1 Crescent with Sapphire Star x2 Crescent with Emerald Star x2

Thank you, Jorm, for all your hard work. I am proud to award you this Anteian Cross. Congratulations!

High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson, 2022-04-05 15:38:21 UTC
Event ID
Anteian Cross
Requested by
High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson
Primary reason

Ah, yes. Jorm. Everyone's favourite madman with a smile. (Yes, Jorm. I'm starting all your award reccs like this. Deal with it. ^^) He's someone who has a constant presence within the Clan. Whether that is his work within the Taldryan Story Group, co-writing a Fiction Update with myself and Teebu, where he wrote 1199 words of a 3233 word fiction himself, then edited tbe whole thing once it was complete so it was ready to be published, or helping drive the Clan forward by offering his input on theming and our GJW reward for Tal getting third, not to mention the reworking of Taldryan's fleet as seen in this document where he suggested his own ideas. He's someone who's voice is always heard, and who's opinion is always cherished. (Though I do sometimes worry about his love for Decimators.)

In total, since his last award, he has competed in 7 competitions, several of which were from the recent Great Jedi War where he got a Gold Nova for his efforts in Taldryan's Run On!

Congratulations on your Anteian Cross, Jorm! And thank you for all your hard work!

High Inquisitor "Aequitas" Anderson, 2022-07-23 15:36:02 UTC