Amethyst Kukri events for Seer A'lora Kituri

Amethyst Kukri events
Event ID
Amethyst Kukri
Requested by
Boss Morgan B. Sorenn
Primary reason

A’lora Kituri has been a valuable member of the Herald’s office since September 2014. I have observed his progress and his continued contributions to the graphics department of the Brotherhood. His contributions include six lightsabers (one for Herald Style Hanukkah 2014); three robes (two for Herald Style Hanukkah 2014, one for later use); significant contributions to both designing new warbanner updates and helping me create Actions for them. He has developed and created unit patterns for warbanners that can be used instead of Medallions; he has created a Backup Dropbox folder for the Staff to use - a very useful feature as we have everything that we require in one place; creating headers and general graphics (specifically stat charts) for Clan Odan-Urr events, Tales of New Tython and Sentinel network, as well as the Tides of Freedom Arcona/Odan-Urr feud.

He has been working with me on a project where the two of us are attempting to train our drawing and coloring skills to achieve an acceptable level of quality for potential future Dark Brotherhood comics. This project is in no way official. We had taken it upon ourselves to train ourselves and improve, and it was all A’lora’s idea. This project still ongoing and we are constantly improving our quality.

He was (and still is to an extent) a constant positive reinforcement force on the Herald staff. His advice and criticism on all matters relating to graphics is always strict, to the point and aimed to keep you improving. He has helped the whole Herald staff with his advice and critiques, including Socorra, Mirus, Rhiann and myself. In short A’lora Kituri is one of the pillars of graphics development in the Brotherhood.

His contributions do not end there. As Consul of Clan Odan-Urr he has given a stellar performance. He has organized the Clan from it’s creation, appointed appropriate leadership to the Houses and organized the Houses into coherent units with Nathan’s and my help. A’lora has been an organizer of more than 25 competitions for Odan-Urr (some jointly with Arcona) since taking over as Consul, as well as several others for the DB as a whole while on Herald staff (naimly One Year comps that gave members Custom items from the Herald staff). With Atyiru, he was the driving force for the co-op event “Tides of Change” between Clan Odan-Urr and Clan Arcona, writing a very large chunk of the fiction for the event himself and co-organizing the competitions.

On a more personal note, A’lora is the type of leader who is fun to be around. He gives his subordinates free reign on their House or Battleteam storylines (which in turn gives them the ability to more easily engage their members), which he then implements into the Clan storyline to make everything flow smoothly and be even more engaging. He is strict, he is an authority and when he gives an order the Clan follows, but he is also a friend to many of us and a helpful voice in any idea or discussion. His goal has always been to advance Clan Odan-Urr to it’s full potential and I believe he may achieve that goal. A’lora is easy to work and cooperate with and he works under one rule - if you’re working for the members and not yourself, you’re doing a good job. We have worked together on Tides of Change, Sentinel Network and Tales of New Tython events and never once had an issue with organization or communication, despite our timezone difference.

Without A’lora’s valuable friendship and assistance I would not be where I am today. He is one of the best we have and I have learned a lot from him. I thank you, my friend, for all that you have done and are yet to do. You deserve this award. Keep the Clan safe.

  • V'yr Vorsa, Herald of the Brotherhood

Boss Morgan B. Sorenn, 2015-07-25 23:38:20 UTC
Additional reasons

In February of 2015, I appointed A’lora of as the new Consul of Clan Odan Urr. This appointment occurred at a time of great transition within the Dark Brotherhood and a time of great importance to Odan Urr. A’lora’s steady hand, calm leadership, and dedication to Odan Urr made him an ideal choice for the Clan and the Dark Brotherhood.

A’lora has not let us down as the leader of Odan Urr and has succeeded in leading the former House to becoming one of our strongest Clans. A’lora is communicative: composing 9 reports in five months, authoring over 20 original messages to his Clan, participating in over 50 news threads on the forums, and maintaining constant communication with his his subordinates and superiors alike.
A’lora is active: A’lora has co-organized over 20 competitions, participated in 17 competitions, and earned awards across the full spectrum of Dark Brotherhood activity: Clusters of Fire, Clusters of Ice, Clusters of Earth, and Crescents. More importantly than the tangible activities, A’lora is active in subjective ways that are immeasurable. He is a steady leader and guiding hand who provides guidance, advice, and a friendly word to all those who need it.

Lastly, it cannot be overstated the time, energy, and desire it requires to serve as a Consul of one of our Clans. The time drain, the constant emails, the small fires, and the need to make sure everyone is doing okay is a tremendous effort. A’lora has accomplished these things while also serving as one of our leading graphic artists. A’lora’s “additional” work has improved our club and enhanced the customization our members enjoy.

Congratulations A’lora. I appreciate all you have done for our club and for your Clan.

  • Darth Pravus, Grand Master

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2015-07-25 23:36:07 UTC

A'lora has been exactly the kind of member and leader we hoped for when we chose him to be Consul of Odan-Urr. Often, the decision on a Consul of a clan is a difficult one; not so in the case of A'lora, whose application and plan for COU was so robust and strong that it was perhaps one of the easiest choices we've made. But A'lora didn't just write a great application, he enacted it. Immediately, he was running non-stop competitions, pulling his members into activity and encouraging them to be part of a wider Brotherhood. Prior to A'lora, COU's activity was seen by many on the outside as stagnant, internal, and uninterested in the rest of the club. A'lora has worked hard to change this perception, working with Atyiru on the Tides of Change competition, which brought our two largest units together for a massive co-op competition spanning three week long rounds and twelve total competitions.

During Tides of Change, A'lora graded events and wrote the majority of the fiction for the event, over 5500 words for his chapters. He worked hard to provide an engaging competition, not just to his members, but also to Arcona's. He and Atyiru completed a succesful event that drew participation from more than 50 members that completed more than 160 entries across both Clans.

It has not just been organizing competitions for Tides of Change, either. A'lora has twenty five competitions organized under his belt in the last 5 months, inspiring his members in everything from help generate mottos to develop the fictional future of the Clan. Under his guidance, Odan Urr has become one our most active Clans. In the first activity review I conducted, Odan Urr tied for the most unique participants, had the second most competitions run, and the second highest number of competition entries at 445. No longer do we doubt Odan Urr's activity.

A’lora’s plan for revitalizing COU is well on track, and he has proved a great choice for Consul. Combined with his excellent work for the Herald's office detailed by V'yr, more than deserves this Amethyst Kukri! Congratulations, A’lora!

  • Dark Prophet Telaris "Mav" Taldrya Cantor, Deputy Grand Master

Telaris "Mav" Cantor, 2015-07-25 23:37:06 UTC