Sapphire Blade events for Seer A'lora Kituri

Sapphire Blade events
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
Primary reason

Since being appointed Praetor to the Voice back in October of 2016, Kasula (Also known as A'lora or simply "Moro"), Moro has spent the last 7 months diligently operating as my head administrative aide. In this capacity alone, Moro has lead the charge on staff with 111 Character Sheet approvals, my prime metric that I track. This does not include the countless time spent working with members one on one on their sheets, whether that is through repeated remand comments or personal follow ups with the members. He has been instrumental in educating and guiding the newer Magistrate's, and works with them to stay on top of the competition queue. Moro is so on top of the CS and Competition queue (the two primary administrative duties of a Voice Staff member), that I honestly haven't had to do any administrative work save for larger events like Co-Ops. It is a pleasure to come home from work, work on the larger projects that occupy my awareness, and then know that the queue will be handled without me having to do anything.

Beyond this, Moro proof reads any documentation I come up with and weighs in. He has been a contributor to the Fiction Center, Loadouts, NPCs, DB Canon and many other Voice Staff wikipedia articles and pages. He also handles a lot of small but important niche tasks such as handling the image assets/formatting for new Species headshots as well as Venues.

Moro's true masterpiece, however, lies in the Arx system document. Moro took the project that had been partially finished, took Sarin and I's direction/guidelines and created a brand new world that will soon serve as the new center of power and home of the Brotherhood. Moro helped write up, name, and invent the various continents, structures, venues, and places of interest that for the planet, as well as climate and other logistics. While this article is not published for variables outside of Moro's control, the completed project has been approved by the Grand Master.

Most importantly for me, Moro is an active voice in the Voice Staff chat and tackles any random task that I come up with and never complains. This level of dedication allows me to my job better, and his loyalty to the Brotherhood over this time period is unquestionable. For this reason, I am pleased to award this Sapphire Blade. Congratulations, Moro. Thank you for putting up with me and rocking whatever tasks I throw your way. I appreciate it.

Voice of the Brotherhood

Lord Marick Tyris Arconae, 2017-05-10 01:31:22 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Requested by
Headmistress Alethia Archenksova
Primary reason

Kasula/A’lora or Moro as most know him has been a key leader in COU since before many of us joined the Brotherhood. I’ve had the honor of working with him directly since returning to the Clan two years ago and he has been one of the measuring sticks I strived to live up to both as a Consul and a Councilor of Urr. Since his last promotion (which was his last recognition for Clan service) Moro has served 6 months as Consul and 5 months as Quaestor of House Shan. I served as his Proconsul for his Consul time and as his Consul for his Quaestor time. I can firmly say that no one has done more to establish COU’s lore in this critical period than Moro did.

During his final months as Consul I got to work with Moro on the Homecoming clan event which had 9 sub competitions and 24 unique participants within the clan. The Homecoming event established some key points of lore for the Clan, specifically how COU came to be accepted by the natives of the Kiast system. He also worked behind the scenes to help set me up for success as I took the reigns of Consul. I don’t know if I can fully quantify the amount of conversations we had before and after I became Consul but Moro was a valuable source of advice both for fictional and administrative aspects of the job.

They say leaders never fully retire and indeed this is the case with Moro, he came back into summit to serve as Shan’s quaestor during a transitory period. Not only did I sleep better at night knowing I had a proven and reliable leader in the critical position as QUA but he set Maximus aka Landon up for success. Together they developed the Last Voyage of the Kesaret house event which had 7 sub comps and 11 unique participants. Even after handing over the reigns of the House he continued to assist in the development of Shan lore as Landon attests to.

Moro is a model leader and someone I’d hold up as an example of what a title holder should be. As I enter a semi-retired / mentor phase of my life in the Clan I hope I can be half as effective as Moro has been as our first Consul and one of our inaugural title holders.

Turel Sorenn
Consul Emeritus and Councilor of Urr

Headmistress Alethia Archenksova, 2017-12-31 19:53:53 UTC
Additional reasons

I have had the pleasure of working under Moro multiple times first when he was Consul of the Clan and then as Quaestor. Both times I have been impressed by his ability to take charge of a situation and develop impressive competitions like the "Last Voyage of the Kesaret" event and his work on several competitions to develop COU's hosts: the Vatali including "Tracing the Linage", "Real Estate on Kiast", "A Guardsman's Symbol" and others. Not only were these enjoyable for the members, but they helped develop our new fictional home in the Kiast System.

Congratulations Moro, you have earned this! I look forward to continuing to work with you!

Colonel Len Iode, 2017-12-10 18:16:01 UTC

I had the pleasure of working under Moro for 2 months as his Aedile where his guidance and inspiration towards the House helped me continue to drive it forward into a continue growth of activity. Together we ended up creating and updating over 10 different wiki articles for the House page to include the new "Defender of Satele Shan" competition and wiki document page.

Next we were able to create and run a House even called "The Last Voyage of Kesaret" that contained 7 sub-competitions and had the unique twist of utilizing the members lore from submissions into the House event fiction that would stay with the House wiki history.

Even after stepping down 3 months ago to further his own studies for school in RL, he still has maintained an active presence as an advisor to both the Clan and the House. His activity since then has still been top notch. He was able to participate in 12 GJW competitions, where he earned nailed a 1st place finish netting the Clan some major placement points and earning himself a Gold Nova in the competition "Machines are Stronger".

Moro truly is a leader to this Clan who has been around since before I can remember. In and out of leadership his advice is respected, warranted, and many times needed at the right times. He is my Obi-Wan of the Clan. He always knows when to chime in and the areas we could seek out to best grow when the time is needed. Moro thank you for all that you have done brother. This is well deserved. Congrats brother!

Maximus Alvinius, 2017-12-10 18:16:27 UTC
Event ID
Sapphire Blade
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
Peacekeeper Masahiro Haku
Primary reason

A'lora, this is a Stabby that is long overdue, from your continuous credits to Odan-Urr's living and written history, competition participation and coordination, and activity throughout The Brotherhood's various Societies, you've earned this and likely many more accolades than I can currently give you.

Your alighting presence around Discord is always a genuine joy as well, whether it's to share tidbits about past events, or just general chatter, you've always had something grand to add to the banter.

Ever onward, A'lora.

Peacekeeper Masahiro Haku, 2024-07-02 23:42:33 UTC