Steel Cross events for Creon Neverse

Steel Cross events
Event ID
Steel Cross
Requested by
Ambassador Revak K'Urr
Primary reason

Since his last recognition, Creon participated in 41 competitions, earning himself 1 Crescent with Ruby Star, 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star, 6 Crescents with Sapphire Stars, 4 Crescents with Emerald Stars, 1 Crescent with Quartz Star, 217 Clusters of Fire, 22 Clusters of Ice for 6572 words of fiction, 157 Clusters of Earth and 4 Clusters of Graphite. He had also organized 27 competitions, passed 3 Shadow Academy courses and earned 1 degree.

During GJW XV, he participated in 19 competitions, earning 19 Seals of Ascension and 1 Bronze Nova.

Thank you so much for the time and energy you put into the clan!

Congratulations on your Steel Cross!

Revak K’Urr
Consul, Odan-Urr

Ambassador Revak K'Urr, 2022-07-28 01:48:35 UTC
Event ID
Steel Cross
Non-site XP
0 XP
Requested by
Daro Vane
Primary reason

Since his return, Creon has come out swinging and his activity has not gone unnoticed. Since his last recognition he has participated in 10 competitions earning him - 1 Crescent with Ruby Star, 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star, 1 Crescent with Sapphire Star, 1 Crescent with Emerald Star, 7 Clusters of Ice for writing 594 words of fiction and 238 words in 2 RP activities, 7 Clusters of Graphite, and 2 Scrolls of Indoctrination. He has also passed 4 SA courses and earned 6 Society Rank ups. Well done, my friend and keep up the good work!

Daro Vane, 2024-02-23 04:14:17 UTC
Additional reasons

Shortly after I returned to Odan-Urr as Proconsul, you returned to us from Rogues. Since then, you came in swinging, routinely placing among The Power Within competition series, where you scored Second Place overall, and joining us, albeit briefly, for one of our RP events. Your impact in this short time hasn't gone unnoticed, and I look forward to where you'll take it from here.

Ever Onward, Creon.

High Councillor Masahiro Haku, 2024-02-06 06:00:19 UTC